Chapter 8

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There is only one thing in this world that receives so much hate despite how hard and efficient it works. Care to guess what it is?

An alarm clock!

Oh, I so much hate the person that invented an alarm clock. Why is it so efficient? Why can’t it sense my need of a few hours of sleep?

After realizing that no matter how much I groan and complain, time will not wait for me, I get up from the bed.

As soon as I come out of the bathroom, Adriana bursts into my room, groaning.

“Argh! I hate mornings.”

I laugh as I begin to dry my hair. She comes over and helps me with it.

“Why can’t we be filthy rich without having to work out asses out?”

I laugh again. “That’s not how life works, girl.”

“Yeah!” She groans. “But I wish it was. We could just go shopping without having to worry about the amount of money we spend, or just use resources without having to pay for them. Life would be so much easier that way.”

“You know… you’re a billionaire. You don’t have to worry about all that.”

“But it would be irresponsible not to.”

“Yeah!” I sighed.

Adriana helped me pick an outfit- a fitted black skirt and a white blouse. She even did my make-up, while whining about how I never bothered to learn.

I proceeded to the kitchen to make breakfast while she got ready. Instead of cooking, I just decided to order food.

I wonder where Adrian was. I have not seen him since yesterday morning. Adriana said he came home late yesterday and had to go early this morning as well, because things have been hectic at work.

Speaking of Adriana, she came out of her room wearing a formal black dress, with her makeup already done.

“I thought you were going to cook.”

I shrugged. “I decided to order.”

“Oh! Okay. That’s much better.”

Sending her a glare, I settled down beside her, on the sofa.

“We should order a pizza this night. I have been having weird cravings lately.”

I nodded; agreeing to her request because it has been like forever since we last ate a pizza. “Will your brother be joining us?”

“I don’t think so. Things have been hectic as the new CEO. He’s probably going to be back late.”

“Oh! Okay.” I did not bother to hide my disappointment.

“That reminds me.” She faces me with curiosity evident in her eyes. “How has it been? Has there been any progress between the two of you? Did he apologise?”

“Um… firstly, one question at a time.” I heard the doorbell ring, so I stood up from the couch. I tipped the delivery person before collecting the food and walking back to her.

“It’s been fine. I would not say there has been progress between us, but he did come to meet me that one time to help him knot his tie. And yes, he did apologize, which I still think is really weird.”

“Wait, you knotted his tie.” I nodded as I took a bite of the food. “Do you know how cheesy that sounds?”

I shrugged. I did not really think that much of it. I just knotted his tie.

Nothing unusual happened. However, there was that unusual tension between us.


Is it so hard to find a perfect personal assistant just like April Williams from Little?

I look at the chubby woman in front of me. She was the seventh and the last person I was going to interview today and she did not meet up to any of my standards. Honestly, none of them did.

I packed her credentials in front of me and tell her I will get back to her.
I probably will not. She thanked me in her Scottish laced accent and left.

By the look of things, I do not think I will ever find an assistant. Ever!
I sit back in my stupidly expensive chair and sigh. Could God please send down an angel from above, to relieve me from all this stress?

Just as I had that thought, a man suddenly walked into my office.

“Good day! Um… I’m here for the interview.”

I pinch my temples. “I’m sorry but it ended a few…”

“A few minutes ago, I know, but please just spare me a little bit of your time. I’m not usually this late.”

I sighed. “Five minutes, that’s all I can give you. Have a seat, Mr.…”

“Goldstein. Ian Goldstein.”

“Pizza delivery!” The doorbell rings once again.

“Just a moment!” I rush out of my room in my tank top and shorts.

“Thank you” I said as I tipped the delivery person and shut the door.

“What did you order?” That big head asks as she walks out of her room.


She seemed satisfied and nodded before proceeding to play a movie.
After we both decided on a movie to watch (After), we began to eat.

“So, I was wondering…” Half way through the movie, she said. “Should we go shopping for ball outfits tomorrow?”

Ball outfits. What did she mean?
She seemed to notice my confused expression. “Didn’t I tell you? Brooke’s Enterprise is organizing a ball to introduce the world to their new CEO.”

“Girl! You did not tell me. How could you not tell me?”

“Sorry, it must have slipped my mind.” Though she did not look sorry at all.

The movie in front of us kept playing but we both were not watching as we have seen it so many times.

“This ball, when is it?”

“On Saturday?"

“This Saturday?”

“Yes Tasha, this Saturday”

“It’s too late to come up with a design for a new outfit by this Saturday.”

“Yeah, I know that which is why I asked if we should go shopping tomorrow."

“But we have work tomorrow.”

“We could take a break from work? And besides we need to stock the house.”

I leaned back in my seat and sighed. I did not feel comfortable wearing other people’s creation when I could just wear mine.

“Oh! Stop sulking. It will be fine. And besides, Adrian will be there so you need to look sexy for him.” She winked at me.

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