Chapter 18

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I reddened immediately. “No! Why would you think that?”

I stared at Adrian again and he just seemed to be enjoying the show.

“You came out of his room!”

I didn’t know what to say because it really looked like we spent the night together.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my waist. I looked to my side to find Adrian with a smirk on his face.

“We spent the night together. Natasha here managed to keep me up all night. I had so much fun with you, we should do it again. It was one of the best nights I ever had.”

His words were sweet and they stirred my heard, until I figured out the reason he actually said it.

Adriana’s eyes were as wide as the stretching earth. She must have misunderstood.

So many emotions roamed in her eyes. I couldn’t even take note of any.
“How long have you been shagging each other?”

“Um… not long.”

“Not long?”

“No, I mean this is the first time.”

“So you did have sex?”

“No we didn’t.” I was franticly waving my hands. She folded her arms waiting for me to explain. I turned to look at Jayden and he had an amused expression on his face.

I nudged him, telling him to explain to his sister. He seemed to have problems talking which was probably because he was trying so hard to hold in his laughter. How the heck is this even funny?

I rolled my eyes at him. “Adriana look, we did sleep together. I mean we did. We slept in the same room, but not on the same bed. Or did we sleep on the same bed?”

I looked to Adrian who seemed to be chocking on his laughter, hoping he would answer. But he still found it hard to talk. It was either that or he enjoyed me making a total fool of myself.

“I don’t know.” I continued. “The point is; we were too tired to do something other than sleep.”

I looked at her with the hope that she miraculously understood whatever I just ranted but I was surprised when they both burst into laughter. What’s so funny?

“Girl, you should have seen your face. It was hilarious.”

I glared at them both. Can’t believe they were teasing me.

I stormed towards my room and shut the door in anger but I couldn’t help but also laugh at myself. Why do I have to be so stupid?


Name: Kyle Grant


Job: CEO of Grant Industries and Co.
Parents: Anthony Grant and Mirabelle Wells

Siblings: Kaelyn Grant

Criminal Record: None

Studied Business Administration
Graduated from NYU

That was the information I received from my mother on my “date”, which happens to be today though.

It was Wednesday morning and I was going through Kyle’s information on Google and his Instagram page. He seemed to be pretty active on Instagram as he posts really good contents and has a lot of followers.

He is attractive, I give him that but from what I can see, he seems to be a player.

Or maybe he just has a lot of girlfriends. My conscience tells me.
Isn’t that the same thing?

“He’s pretty cute. If you don’t want him, I’ll gladly take him off your hands.” Adriana said to me as she scrolled through Kyle’s Instagram page.

I scoffed. “So you’ll shag him once and drop him?”

She rolled her eyes. I had long forgiven her for teasing me.

She was right, though. He had bright hazel eyes and blonde hair. I have a hunch that he probably dyed his hair, but I was going to ask him when I see him.

If you were wondering, I was compiling a list of questions to ask, just to keep the conversation alive. I wouldn’t say I am super excited to go on the date with him but I wasn’t totally sad or angry about it.

“Wow! Did you know his sister Kaelyn Grant is the famous influencer, creator of Kaelyn’s World?”

“Oh yeah! No big deal.”

“No big deal. No big deal, you say. Kaelyn is amazing she has five million followers and plus.”

“Oh cool!” I really couldn’t care less.
Adriana rolled her eyes again, muttering something about how I was so boring.

“When are you guys going to meet up?”

I checked the time and gasp. “In two hours’ time. And I haven’t taken my bath.”

I rushed to the bathroom and took a quick shower. When I got out, Adriana had already picked an outfit for me. It was a simple white dress. It had long net sleeves and reached my knees.

I smiled at her and got dressed. She then started my makeup. She did a clean girl makeup and like always, her skills left me speechless.

I put on my pumps and mentally prepared myself before walking out of my room.

Cant wait for you guys to meet Kyle. He's my second favourite character, after Natasha.

Let me know who's your favourite character so far.

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