Red Handed

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Mature Content



Utter Chaos.

That was the state of the underground world after hearing the situation. Some called it fake news, some even tried to claim themselves as replacements. It was a big deal among drug dealers, money launderers and even big prostitution circles. It affected everyone in some way, shape or form.

Everyone was thinking about it. Though the biggest players in this game were worried about something else. Especially a young lady called Y/N L/N.


It was a cold night. Rainy and Unusually dark. But amidst such coldness, you simply walked in it. You didn't bother flying. You simply wanted to dwell in the rain, maybe because it brought you a sense of peace.

Alot of things were raging through your mind and as water slowly hit your head, you could feel your rage subsidizing, by a miniscule amount but the more you think, the more it regenerates tenfold.

'Why? Why would father do this? I knew it was weird that he wanted me to join the troupe to fight for him. Thinking about it, his story about Izana didn't make complete sense either. Was that a lie too? Everything i've been doing for the past few years, was it all worthless?'

'The friends that I made along the way, i've  now lost  because of him. Chrollo,Feitan,Shalnark,Shizuku and even Nobunaga all died because of him. So that enhancer-like nen on the needle found earlier was probably his, meaning he probably killed killua's family too and left evidence that made it seem like it was us. Such a simple plan, Such destructive effect...'

'Just like 5 years ago, another group of friends, all gone. Wait... who actually killed Gon and the rest. I mean I just concluded it to be the troupe but now... what if that isn't the case!? Shit! I really fucked up! I've overlooked a lot of things to this point in the name of "trust" but now i fear things will get worse if I...'


A familiar voice called out, snapping you out of my deep thoughts.

"Y/N? What're you doing? And why're you so drenched?? Come in, you'll catch a cold."

'What the hell, I walked from meteor city to this point and I didn't even notice that i'm in the hotel' you thought.

You checked your phone and realized it was

'10 pm!? I've been walking for 4 hours!?'

"Y/N???" machi called.

"Oh I'm sorry machi" you apologized, walking into the room.

Machi quickly went to the bathroom to grab me a towel.

"Look at you, what were you thinking? Couldn't you have gotten an umbrella?" she began to wipe your face and body though you stood still.

"Where's pakunoda?" you finally spoke.

"She is still sleeping in the room over there" she points to the room on the left corner. You walked over there and opened the door to see your precious girlfriend sleeping peacefully.

You sat beside her and kissed her forehead while stroking her hair.

"I'm back, babe" you whispered.

MINE (Machi x Reader X Pakunoda )Where stories live. Discover now