First Encounter

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Y/N's Pov

He lost! Kastro Lost! I... I mean I knew he was going to lose, he was fighting Hisoka for christ sake so that's natural but... "I... I didn't think he'll go that far" you sat on your sofa as tears began to escape your eyes. "I didn't think hisoka would actually kill him". Hisoka was your friend but so was Kastro as you spent hours and hours with him, you actually got a lot attached to him so to have Hisoka kill him was... you felt a wave of different emotions. Sadness for your Kastro's death but you were also relieved that hisoka alright but most of all Anger. Even though hisoka was your friend you couldn't let murder slide. "HISOKAAAA!!!" you jumped up from your sofa with tears still in your eyes. You put on some flip flops. Your hair was still down, you were still wearing a tank top and trousers but you didn't care your emotions were running wild right now, Hisoka might be a friend but friends fight don't they? You stepped out of your room as you were met with killua. "Y/n, did you see that fight? I wanted to talk to you about it–''. "Quiet! Killua I don't wanna talk right now". You ran past him with tears in your eyes. "Are you okay?" he said with his voice and eyes laced with concern as he held your hand back. "Did I not just say shut up? Get LLost Killua! I'm Busy" you yanked your hand from his as you ran off. "What's wrong with her? She just always treats me like I'm a child. Idiot you don't even know my true feelings'' he said to no one in particular as his sadness was evident as he looks down and walked away from your room.

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Hisoka Pov

I just finished my fight with kastro, honestly it was pretty disappointing the boy did not change a lot since four years ago when I whooped his ass. But not gonna lie, he had me a little shocked there. If he had been just a little smarter or experienced, he'd have caught on to my bluffs and the fight would be much more harder and... exciting~~ haaa~ just got me excited just to blue ball me like that, SOO DISAPPOINTING. I'll just go to my room no– wait is that who I think it is. MACHI? Is that you? A smile erupted from my face as I saw a comrade that I haven't seen in years standing in the shadows waiting for me. "Machi!!? Is that you?" I said excitedly though I knew better than to yell. "Come on, let me see your wounds" she said without even changing expression. "Cold as ever huh, you can't even say you miss me?". "Huh you wish, you're even lucky i'm here" she rolled her eyes. "You say it like you actually came here to see me or something, you and I know that you came to deliver a message so let's go to my room, where it's private". "Lead the way, you pleasure crazed clown" "hehehe that's me~~"

~In the room~

"Thank you for fixing my arms".

"You're welcome, it's 20 mill for the left arm and 50 for the right".

"What? You're going to charge me? Don't I get a comrade discount at least?".

"No you don't".

"Woow but shalnark,feitan,chrollo and not to mention your best friends,Pakunoda and Shizuku get treatments for free but not me?".

"Because I care about those people, you? You don't matter, pay my money".

"Fiiine i'll send it to your account dammit".

"Good! AH! And before I forget all troupe members are meeting on September the 1st, it's for everyone to attend, not just those who find it convenient".

"Will the boss be attending?".

"Ughhhh where do you think I got this info from? Did I pull it out my ass? Of Course the boss called the damn meeting. Anyways you better be there I'll be leaving now!"

"Wait machi! I was thinki—

*Boom* *Crash* *Bang*

this sound immediately got both our attention as we looked at where it came from and it was my door being shattered into pieces as I looked up at the cause to see who had the audacity to do this and it was... Y/N? With tears in her eyes as I can almost see anger written on her face.

"Hisoka! You son of a bitch! How dare you" she walked into the room, past machi, came up to me and proceeded to land the hardest punch I've ever taken. If I didn't have nen, my jaw would be gone by now. "You bastard!! how dare you!!". "Y/N calm down please can't you see I have a guest?" she didn't listen as she proceeded to land consecutive blows after blows although it was ineffective to me, it was still pretty hard blows. Then suddenly something happened, something I've never seen before. "Hmm h- hey cutie, please calm down and give him a chance to explain himself". It was machi. FREAKING MACHI calling anybody cute and trying to associate with anybody other than troupe members, and as if she has some kind of hypnotizing spell, Y/N miraculously stopped punching me the moment she heard her voice. She dropped her arms and turned around to see who was talking. Her enraged and sad expression, now into a mesmerized and enchanted one as she stared at the girl with wide eyes, like a child, like it's her first time seeing anything. What's crazy to me is that machi looked just as enchanted. I've never seen her this way before. It's like time stopped for a moment.

I kept my promise, this week was amazing actually introduced machi this chapter. Anyways hope everyone has a great week too.

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