Hustlers of YorkNew City

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It's been a couple days since we got to yorknew. We've only seen leorio while kurapika has been nowhere to be found. We tried calling him but he's not picking so I decided that we should concentrate on finding money for greed island. Which still hasn't been going too well either, We need a couple billions to even have a shot at the auction and we only have 700 million, that plus my savings too.

"We're broke as hell haha" I said.

"You got that part right," Killua sighs.

"Is there really nothing we can do at this point?" Gon says.

"Any ideas y'all?" I asked, looking at the boys.

"Nope! All out of em" Killua lets out while eating his candy. Gon shakes his head signifying a 'no' and leorio doesn't even take his eyes off the computer. He's been researching ways to make us money for quite a while but even he's run out of options.

"Woow we're really out of options huh'" I sighed.

"No we're not! Hehehehehe" he yelled. Everyone stopped what they were doing. Almost like the yell had just shot light through their darkness.

"What's up! Found something?" I jolted up my seat.

"Yes But- I don't think it's something you'll be eager to do" he said.

"Aaah just say it already!" Gon urges.

"Okay so basically, you have to hold bets"

"Bets?" Killua says

"Yes bets"

"Go on" I said

"So basically we need something of value and we'll bet money with people on whether or not they can win in an arm wrestling contest". He stops looking at the computer and faces us. "If they win (which obviously will never happen) they'll be rewarded with something of value and if not, they will pay us 100 dollars" he explains.

"So basically we're swindling civilians," Gon asks bluntly.

"Welp it's better than robbing banks" I sighed "let's do it! Any objections ?" I asked


"None! move out!" I ordered.

"But Y/n, we need something enticing so as to attract the masses, something of value to bet on". Leorio points out.

"We'll use my necklace, the one I got from my mom"

"No! We can't let you-"Killua objects before I cut him off.

"Don't worry I'm the strongest here, I won't lose to random civilians" I gave him a reassuring smile.

"But Y/N-"

"Killua! My decision is final! GET. DRESSED. We're leaving in 20 minutes! ".

"I- I understand Y/N".

First day...

It was pretty embarrassing for the first day, It took place right on the junction that leads to the street our hotel's in. It was rocky at first because nobody paid attention but things started moving after about an hour of leorio magnificent advertising...

"Free Diamond necklace!Free diamond necklace!!Free Diamond necklace!!! All you have to do is beat this girl in an arm wrestling contest and it's all yours!. For the small price of 50 dollars, you can have a shot at this necklace worth 200 million dollars on the market! It's a necklace that has been passed down through generations!!. For only 50 dollars you have a chance of becoming a millionaire! You don't have to wake up in the morning for your shitty job anymore! You're set for life! 50 dollars for eternal wealth! Not a deal you want to miss! Grab this opportunity NOOOOOOOW!".

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