Zevil Island begins

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Killua P.O.V

We had just finished getting past the 3rd phase. Well, barely. Anyways we made it out, all of us and that's what mattered. Okay let's see who's here with us. Of Course the clown would be here and his creepy needle friend, though his demeanor is quite familiar it's almost like— no way! there's no way he's here! Kill that thought this instant!!. Anyways there are fewer participants here, the last phase must've fished out a lot of them huh, welp that sucks- for them. The guys here are fewer and obviously more dangerous, hm~~ maybe i'll get to have some fun after all. No matter how dangerous they are, my friends would be alrig— y– y/n? What's this incredible bloodlust. Where did that even come from. It was only for a moment but it was there, it was wild and ferocious. Also, why is she shaking, it's almost like she's... excited? My bloodlust was enhanced by training and talent... though I can control it. If I had to give mine an animal it's almost like a snake... a python Yes! A python!. That fits me so well. But hers? It's more like a dragon!!!. A wild dragon!! Without the proper training, she'll become really dangerous. Wow! Am I scared? No, I'm not. Then what is this feeling? It's almost like I want to get closer to her because she's dangerous. Like I'm attracted to her because of her danger. I just want to know why she's like this, why she has so much darkness, why she is trying to hide it' "Killu-" 'for who,' "Killua?" 'for what, how she feels about it. I just want to know everything about her.' "Killua!" "what! Leorio" I yelled. "What do you mean "what" you've been standing there for quite a while now" I looked up to see everyone leaving. "Are you okay dude? We're about to move onto the next phase" said y/n, she seems to have calmed down a bit. "I'm fine Y/N, just doing some mental math". "Okay everybody! Onto the next challenge!!" Gon declared."hai!" we all said in unison. 'To think I've been thinking about her for such a long time that even they noticed. Man, I must be going crazy.'

Sorry about killua's long internal monoglogue, but this was the best way I could portray y/n's condition from someone else's perspective





I finally managed to calm myself down just in time for the next phase. Killua had been spacing out lately, it's almost like he's always thinking, but I just met him so that's probably who he is. It's fine as long as he's okay. Anyways, we're out the tower and the examiner of next phase explained the rules.

<Timeskip here cuz I don't feel like explaining something you already know>

We've all been given our target's badge and l took a look at mine and he's... .

We're in the boat, just about to get off to the island. The examiner explains that we're going to get off by the order of which we passed the last phase and the participant will be given 2 mins before the next come in.

"No.1 hisoka!"

2 mins later

"No. 2 gittarakur!"

2 mins later

"No. 3 Hanzo!"




"No. 24 killua" .

"Good luck killua" I said as I ruffled his fluffy hair. "Y/N sto-" "You better survive" I added as I continued teasing him. "Agh!! Why're you so annoying, isn't the L/N' daughter supposed to act more mature". You're one to talk, didn't you take the hunter exam just to have fun? I scoffed. "Whatevz, just be careful". "tch I'll be fine, why does my well-being matter to you anyways". What do you mean!?!. You're my friend and I care about you, as I should. Can't believe this idiot just asked me that. "Ughhhhh!!" I dropped my hand on his shoulder while looking down at him. "Killua I care about you because you're my...". "Killua-kun? You're wasting too much time talking. Plz proceed!". The examiner yelled. "Ok bye-bye kill". Killua, who had wide eyes and was unknowingly blushing like crazy,snapped out of his trance and began walking into the forest. "W-w-w- whatever idiot! Be sure to survive too! Not that I care if you don't!". "I'm y/n l/n, of course I'm going to survive. Anyways get lost" I waved at him. He waved back and disappeared. What's wrong with him, why was he blushing, whatever, just hope they're all okay. Soon enough 2 minutes had passed and it was my turn. "and last but not least! No. 25 Y/N!''. I walked towards the edge of the boat. :Good luck girl", the examiner said. I smiled back at her with a "thank you" as I dashed into the forest in excitement. 'This is basically a hunting Game where I'm both the hunter and the hunted. I'm so excited!! Also I've also discovered a part of myself that I haven't been able to embrace because of the people around me but here, I'm by myself I don't have to worry about what friends or family will think of me. It's just me, myself and I. I definitely plan to have fun. I'M SOOOO EXCITED!!!!. I'm coming for you prey~~~' I thought as I speedily flew by the tree like air.




Y/N Pov

I've been wandering around the island for almost a day now and I still haven't found my target yet. All i've been doing is hunting deers and shit where tf is he!!! Oh wait! I have the city map don't I? I'll just lay out the map of Zevil Island and split the island into 4 directions. South, North, East and West.I'm pretty sure the boat dropped us off down south, meaning that's the closest to water and the most open place to be, not even I'm dumb enough to do that. Meaning there either westward(left),eastward(right) or just further down north. So my decision is... to go up north first then west, and east. That way I can narrow him down more quickly.

<Timeskip to 2 days later>

It's been two days since then, two days and 8 hrs looking for this bastard. I've already searched the north and west side. While it's been almost 3 days since the test began, there's still 4 days left and I doubt anybody would be down south already so he has to be west.




Well, would you look at that, just at the perfect timing! I found his ass just while he's hunting his own target who seems to be... Gittarackur?!!?. Yup! He's definitely not surviving. From the looks of things , I'm sure even Gittarakur knows he's there but he's not even reacting. I could go kill the killer right now since he's distracted with his own target, but I wanna see how long he'll be there and how long Gittarakur would ignore him for. Wait! Gittarackur is moving his hand to his needles. Oh dear! His dark bloodlust is leaking quite a bit, what's that anyways hisoka also had this weird aura thing going on with him except his was pink. Not much that my target can see but that's only because he's not trained enough. He's about to die!! Hold on, what am I doing? My target is about to be killed in front of me and I'm Just watching? I have to steal Gittarackur's kill right now. As Gittarakur was about to launch his needle and my target being so slow that he doesn't even know what's going on. I put all the power in my legs as I drew my knife out, and without hesitation... I swiftly jumped from the trees and minced this man's neck before Gittarackur's needle was able to get to him. Silence was loud for 5 seconds, it felt like time stopped. Your second kill though not as exciting as your first, it was executed beautifully. Time started moving again when the man's head dropped to the ground. "Sorry man!" I said boldly as I walked up to my new body and took off his number badge and was currently running his belongings for money and food as I was running . "I simply couldn't let you take the kill, he's my target after all hehe~~'' I said as I smiled and made a peace sign.

Gittarackur Pov

I walked up to the younger girl smiling at me, impressive not only did I not feel her coming, her speed was outstanding and she beat my needle to the guy's head. Amazing! Hmm she seems to be in her teens just slightly taller than killua but her potential rivals his, heck maybe even surpasses. To think they're people out there whose talent rivals my killua, it's quite infuriating. I let out some nen bloodlust as I got closer to her. Oh Shit—- Isn't she the girl that hisoka was rambling about just a couple days ago? Oh dear, I knew she had talent but not this much now my slight anger turns into slight interest.

"Aren't you the kid that was running with hisoka earlier?" I asked as I looked down at her. "You forgot me already? That's quite rude you know" she pouted. "So why're you here?" my tone, unchanging. "Chill dude, the man you were about to kill earlier was my target, couldn't just let you take what's mine now could I?". Wait, she noticed that? "Well he tried to snipe me, he pissed me off" I said as I was now walking away. "Yea yea I get it" she sighed as I noticed she's walking beside me, is she following me? This girl! "Why're you following me?" "hmm? why not'' she said looking genuinely looking confused. I can't believe this girl! "Um also can you please stop with that dark wind around you, it's really scary". WHAAAAAAAAAAAT! She knows nen??? " you see my nen?". "WTF is nen, why does everyone keep asking me about it" "everyone?" Yes! Hisoka also asked me what nen is... I truly don't know". So she can see nen without even awakening her nodes yet huh. Yep! Her potential definitely dwarfs Killua's. "So where are we going". "We're going to see hisoka". ''Hisoka huh, Let's go then!'' she yelled excitedly. WE? To think I included him with me so fast. How wierd.

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