Next Phase Start(Shades of Darkness)

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<Timeskip to when they after the arena fight cuz it doesn't matter>

On your way to the room you had to stay in as punishment for 45 hrs cuz leorio fucked up.

Killua pov:

Y/N has been acting weird since her fight, her bloodlust skyrocketed since her fight so much so that she spent the entire time during the fight trying to calm it down. She's doing a good job at it though as nobody else noticed it other than me. I live among assassins and I can gauge most people's blood lust even if they're trying to hide it. Her lust for blood is so... wild. Almost like there's a sleeping lioness inside her that gets excited when it goes on a rampage. Does she enjoy killing? She's so scary, I should stay away from her... that's what i'd normally say but for some reason I... I can't help but want to get closer to her. Her danger is so alluring. Oh no... I'm going crazy but I can't even help it.




In the small room.

3rd person POV

Gon, Kurapika, Leorio, killua and you finally made it to the room were You're about to spend the next 45 hrs. The air was thick. Reason for this was ofc... you. You haven't said a single word since the time of the kill. Everyone except Gon cuz he's... Gon.

"Yaaaay!! We finally made it!!" he said as he launched his bag across the room. "Let's look for something fun to do killua!!" "Wooow Gon. So you invite killua to play. Like I'm not here huh" He says but everyone remained silent. But a voice spoke up, one that wasn't even expected at all. The group turned back in shock to see a pouting you. "Y- y/n? You're okay?". You looked at Leorio confused. "Why wouldn't I be ok?" "I mean it's just you've been silent throughout the whole phase and we kinda..." Kurapika said blushingly out of embarrassment that he was even worried. "It's okay! I'm fine" you said with a wide grin making a peace sign. The tension from just a couple seconds ago faded almost instantly. "So... Gon care to explain why you weren't gonna invite me to have fun" you said with dark eyes as you walked up to Gon. "U- y- y/n see... umm I- " he stuttered and pure fear was written in his face as you grabbed his shoulder tightly and formed a fist, you were abt to knock his teeth out when.... "Jk😜" you smiled. "I was just joking. Honestly I'm offended as how you think I'd hurt a kid" you walked towards a nearby mattress "like I'd actually hit a child plus what can a 12 yr old and I have in common, the only person you can relate to normally here is your fellow kid friend... killua". Gon rubs his head in embarrassment. 'a kid?' killua thought. 'You only see me as a kid y/n?' killua was fuming from your statement but was interupted by kurapika's words. "Hey y/n killua and you both used interesting techniques to kill your opponents, although I didn't see yours care to explain what you did during that smoke screen. You sighed as you laid on the mattress ."simple. I pulled out a knife and sliced him" I said as I pulled out my knives. They were obviously surprised at the fact that you were able to hide such big knives on you while looking normal. "Wow that's so cool!!" Gon exclaimed "and how about you killua" kurapika moved the convo. Killua explained and you was mesmerized. So this is the power of a zoldyck huh, 'exciting' you thought. 'As long as we don't mess with them we'll be fine' kurapika sweat dropped. You all went off to do your own thing. You and Leorio slept, kurapika read, Gon and killua went to play like the kids they are.

{Timeskip to the next phase cuz everything after this is irrelevant}


It's been 5 hrs since we left that room and it was quite boring to stay there for a long time. But it makes for a good change of pace it's good to pause like this sometimes.

'Only 20 made it huh' I sighed. 'that was quite the brutal phase, it took out almost 200 partcipants in 50 hrs. Meaning everyone here are big steppers' I looked around and I was right. 'Hisoka and the needle guy are here, they definitely passed' ' woah! The Ninja's also here?' yup the next phase will be quite the exciting one. It'd be quite.... Deadly. Ah!~~ this feeling again... I'm doing it again... I need to curb this desire of mine. No matter how good it feels. I have people around me! I can't hurt them! Mom! Aisha! I still have to go back to them unchanged. I have to calm my desires~~. No matter how hard it is, This darkness in me must not take over me!!." You thought as you tried to fight your own bloodlust and excitement. Unbeknownst to you, Killua was watching you behind you as you were shaking and obviously noticed you trying to hide your killing intent.

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