First Mission

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It's been a few days since you became a spider. You even got your spider tattoo that says 11 drawn right on the side of your neck. Something Pakunoda helped with . You both have gotten quite close, since she, shalnark and nobunaga are the only people you actually talk to.

You get into most arguments with feitan, you two do not like each other at all. Machi has also been picking fights with you every chance she gets, though you have acknowledged her to be a bitch so her words don't bother you anymore. The rest are just kinda... there.

You talk to Pakunoda the most though. Even though the grief from everything has been eating you alive, Pakunoda's presence calms you down. You enjoy being around her and you can tell she loves it when you talk to her. Even shizuku and shalnark had told you on different occasions that pakunoda seems less cold when she's with you.

The troupe had finished their business in yorknew and were now back home and since you're one of them you had no choice but to go with them to the stinky junkyard city. Pakunoda surprisingly stuck with them though, because normally she disappears after a major gathering, but this time, she's deciding to come with y'all to the city.

"Aaah it's crazy how pakunoda came with us this time. I wonder why~~" shalnark snickered as he turned around to look at the already annoyed pakunoda.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asks in annoyance.

"Well he's kinda right. You never do anything with us without the boss' orders, ''Shizuku says.

"Let alone come home with us," feitan agrees.

"I just... I don't like it here" she said.

"Why not? Weren't you born here" You intervened.

"Yes but... Too many bad memories" she whispered the last part with a pained expression. You don't know why, but seeing her like that hurts you.

"Exactly my point! You have such awful memories of this place and still you're willing to come over this time... for what? A particular someone perhaps?" shalnark said.

"NO." pakunoda answers swiftly with a slight blush on her face.

"You answered that one question particularly fast, almost like you're in denial. So it is for a parti-"

"Shalnark? Be quiet. She clearly doesn't want to talk about it. Leave her alone" you cut him off.

"Okay whatever hehe--" he smiles as he turns around and keeps walking.

'What's funny' you thought.

"Um Y/n?" pakunoda says

"Yes?" you looked up to her.

"My hand?" She says.

"O-oh I-I'm sorry" you felt so stupid and wierd. While you were talking to shalnark, you had been grabbing her hand without realizing. No wonder why he was laughing.

You couldn't help but blush as you slowly let go of her. You looked up and locked eyes with machi. She looked quite pissed for some reason, but then again when is she not angry?.

"Where are we walking again?" You asked.

"We're going to meet up with boss" Feitan says.

"What? We're supposed to steal something again, when do you guys ever not steal stuff you don't need?" you asked with a disgusted look.

MINE (Machi x Reader X Pakunoda )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang