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The spiders (except shalnark, bonolenov and kortopi) made their way into the building where the auction is supposed to be held...

They walked in the middle of the crowd, undetected. They didn't stand out at all because they were all in expensive black suits which was the dress code for the event.

Obviously nobody would have guessed that such a prestigious, rich looking group of people were one of the most dangerous and notorious gangs in the world. They were just about to find out.

"This hall is quite massive," Y/N said.

"Indeed," Chrollo replied.

"Using EN, I can easily feel about 500 people in the crowd, 700, if you count backstage" Nobunaga informed.

"Yea, too bad they're all about to be dead" Franklin said. "I feel sorry for them"

"You should feel sorry for me, because i'm the one who has to clean all this shit" Shizuku sighed.

" I'm betting there are more people the deeper in the building we go, so you're basically fucked. " Machi replied.

"Just do a good job and do not leave any type of evidence," Y/N said as Shizuku nodded.

"They aren't any strong people in particular here, meaning the higher ups are definitely further in" Pakunoda said.

"Make sure to run their pockets too" said Machi.

"Enough talking let's get to work" Chrollo ordered.

"Franklin,Nobunaga,Phinks, you all know what to do right?" he asked and they all assured him that they knew they're roles.

"Very well, have fun" with those words the boss, they all split to do their respective tasks.

Chrollo, Y/N, Pakunoda and Machi ventured deeper into the building.

Feitan had gone backstage to basically clear all 200 people in there and the additional people he finds in the hallways leading to the upper brass' lair.

Franklin, Nobunaga and Phinks stayed and were about to launch a frontal,wider scale assault, starting with the 500 people in the auction hall.

While Shizuku just finds a place to hole up in and wait for them to finish so she can clean up after them, getting rid of evidence and traces.


We had just parted ways with the boss' group and obviously we needed to do our assignments.

With no time wasted, Franklin walked onto the main stage. Nobunaga and Phinks on opposite sides of the crowd. While shizuku just finds a place to stay, while she waits.

Franklin got on stage and spoke on the microphone...

"Yooo, I'm not much of a talker so i'll just skip the formalities-" his big size, his deep voice and the intimidating demeanor put the audience on edge already.

But by the next moment, their fear would be proved correct.

"DIE!" Franklin's fingertips opened and bullets with devastating amount of power began ripping through the crowds bodies.

Commotion erupts and the everyone panics. People saw their business partners and friends die in front of them. They're screams of terror was so loud that even bonolenov and kortopi could hear it outside.

MINE (Machi x Reader X Pakunoda )Where stories live. Discover now