Y/N: Shades of Darkness II

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"C'mon... all this misery could be over in a second" he said. "So... Blonde or Pink hair"

"B...But I" Y/N replied.

"Cmooooon! I don't have all day" Shiba whined.

Y/N couldn't choose between them. How could she? One is her ex who betrayed her and the other is someone she holds dearly to her heart and is looking forward to a relationship with her.

This is quite the hard question for her. Her brain was moving the fastest it has ever been to try to find a loophole.

'Okay if I chose machi and he lets her go we can... wait that's stupid if it was possible we'd have done that earlier' he thought.

Though she's quick to realize that without chrollo or any experienced member of the troupe's help. She's completely under this man's rule. She has to pick one between them. But the answer really isn't easy. Or is it?

I mean one had done nothing but lie to her and break her heart. While the other has been mending it. One has acted like a jerk and has always insulted and annoyed her every chance she gets and didn't even bother apologizing for her action. The other has been her best friend and her only form of emotional support.

Maybe the answer to who should go is pretty obvious, and she doesn't want to admit it. Maybe she still cares about her last lover, and really never hated her in the first place.

'I know I should probably put Pakunoda first with all she's done for me and all but... but I can't just bring myself to abandon machi' she thought.

"Little girl! It's been five seconds and you're still saying nothing?! You're really being a awful girlfriend to this blonde chick right now" Shiba said.

"Y/N! What the hell are you doing!! You can't let pakunoda die!!" Machi screamed.

"You see? Exactly what I'm saying, even she agrees with me. Even though that does mean i'll have to kill you pink hair~~" he smiles as he pulls machi's hair.

"Aagh Y/N you have to choose pakunoda. You can't forsa-"

"I know that! I... I know that but... I just... I can't bring myself to forsake you, Machi" Y/N looks up and into Machi's eyes with tears.

"Y/N..." Machi was left speechless at Y/N's declaration so much that the buried emotions in her swelled to the point of tears.

"Um? Huh? Resurfacing feelings? HAHAHAH! That's so funny, I wish the blonde bitch was awake right now to see this shit HAHAHAHAH" Shiba smiled dropping Machi's hair.

"Well i'm glad I helped you rekindle your feelings, i'll take it as you want the blonde bitch dead" he then turns to pakunoda and tries to kill her.

Though machi wouldn't let him and he tries to swat her like a bee only for her to come right back and defend hers.

Meanwhile Y/N just stood and stared as her mind started to go null.

'What do I do? He can't hurt either of them, I have to fight him, there's no way around it. If...if he kills them... If he kills them I won't be able to control myself. They can't die. He can't hurt them. I have to get rid of him. He needs to die. I need to kill him. Kill.... Kill... Kill....I can't lose them! He has to die!'.

"Y/N... remember me" a familiar voice came from her head, though she doesn't need to think hard to know who that is.

"O... other me?"

"Just lemme take over okay? I'll murder him without a doubt. I'll show you a glimpse of what you'll become okay?"

* * * * * *

Machi gets knocked down again for the fifth time, and this time she can't get back up. She's not knocked out completely but she's very tired and wouldn't last longer with her eyes open.

"Aagh what an annoying bitch, you should be lucky your lover saved you cuz if not, you'd be dead quite a while ago" shiba turns around to pakunoda, who was groaning and slowly beginning to gain consciousness.

But shiba didn't care, he raised up his fist to crush her skull completely and then. . .

"Halt. Don't move another inch" a cold,chilly voice came from behind him. A voice filled with indescribable bloodlust that made a mad dog like Shiba stop in his tracks and made him feel fear upon hearing.

The air thickens as shiba turns around to see where such peril danger is coming from. Just to see a Y/N standing with a face rid of emotions, her pupils were gone and her face was pale and her eyes were completely white, void of any humanity.

'W...what is this? She's completely different from before. Are they even the same people?' he thought.

Her eyes lacking pupils and her voice lacking emotions already made shibe eerie. Even Machi was scared of the new y/n, chills ran down her spine and she could only thank god she didn't have to face her. Pakunoda fluttered her eyes open couldn't even understand what was happening.

But what struck Shiba the most was the fact that he couldn't read her thoughts, she wasn't even thinking. He doesn't know what she'll do next, it's almost like he's going against a giant, lifeless wall with lava spikes on them.

He can't read her, she's too much of a threat, everything in his body is pushing him to conquer the wall in front of him. This wall needs to be demolished. In other words. . .

"She has to die!!!" he announces as he charges at her at full speed and full intent to kill.

Though his advances wouldn't go so well as y/n put up an earthen wall between them and he smashed through it with ease but she was gone, he couldn't have predicted that since she wasn't thinking in the first place, therefore no mind reading.

He stopped and his momentum was ruined as he was now looking for y/n. Then suddenly, a destructive wave of air came from behind him and blasted him through the wall and out the parlor leading to a basement of some sort.

Y/N slowly walked towards the struggling shiba and proceeded to stomp the life out of him. Literally. She jammed her nen enhanced foot on his face repeatedly until she was satisfied.

Shiba was holding onto a thread for life at this point. If she kept going he was going to die, but she didn't care, she finally stopped stomping on him and used her fire to begin flaming him. While Pakunoda and Machi had to watch this new Y/N with horrified looks.

She channeled everything into each flame and burned him to the bone, no part of his burned skin was left, all of it was burned.
Y/N had now killed Yujiro Shiba, leader of the silent crew, single handedly ending the silent crew's existence or chance of reviving

"EEK!" a sound came from the darkened unexposed part of the basement and Y/N quickly turned its direction. She saw a bunch of crying kids with horrified looks on their faces.

She turned around and began walking towards them, though her blood lust didn't reduce. Meaning she was 100% about to kill them. Pakunoda and Machi couldn't believe that she'd even try to hurt a child let alone massacre a bunch of them. Y/N charged at the children with full killing intentions.


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