Calm before the storm!!!

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{Timeskip several hours of crying later}

Y/N had been in the same position for hours. Her mind void of any thoughts. All she feels is grief. She hadn't moved since Machi gave her food. Food she hasn't touched by the way. She had cried so much that she'd ran dry. She is now suffering from severe headache from just crying.

That has been going on for hours until now. She just started thinking again. The first thing that came to her mind was what always comes to her mind whenever she's in trouble.

"What do I do next?" she thought.

Normally she's a fast thinker but the fact that it took her hours to even begin thinking shows how distraught she was. But now she was getting back up one step at a time. She's going to get back one her feet soon, she is Y/N L/N after all it shouldn't be too hard to get up from the dark abyss she's in... right?.

She thought for a bit and she can finally see a small path open in her head. She doesn't know what to do when she follows it, but she'll figure it out when she gets there.

'I should get out of here and regroup with my friends first and I'll figure out what to do from there. Yes! They're probably worried about me and also mad that I left them. But they should forgive me if I apologize right? Yes! Let's do that." She thought.

She got up and looked around her room to observe, something she hadn't even thought of in the several hours she's been there. Well, her brain was shut and her heart was functioning during that time. But now it's back working and she realized that the room is mostly made of bricks, meaning earth and she can manipulate earth so it's an easy escape.

'What a weird looking rope' she thought as she looked at whatever she was tied with. But shrugged it off and burned it off with her nen fire easily. I mean she has had hours for her nen to recover so burning a measly rope was light work. She walked to a side of the wall and touched the wall and applied her earth nen to it making it melt into sand and giving her a small path to walk out of. She used her nen to recover the wall back to itś original position to cover her tracks.

She felt refreshed at the clean air that was hitting her face. She felt free again and a happy smile played on her lips. Freedom is a feeling she'd never get enough of. After a few seconds of feeling the air, she realized that itś almost sunset and she left the hotel on a dark night. Meaning itś almost been 24 hrs since sheś went missing, her friends will definitely be looking for her. She began running as fast as she can westward, towards where the hotel was and away from the building she had been kidnapped.

'I can't wait to surprise them with my presence' Y/N smiled in anticipation of her friends happy faces when they see her , unaware of the fact that sheś being followed by a certain smiling joker.

Meanwhile at the hotel...

¨You done over there sanzu?" A tall, handsome man in his early thirties asked his colleague.

¨Yea! Woah, that was fun! How long ago did we do that? Rindou¨ The handsome man in his late 20s, with a peculiar scar on his lips asks his colleague with a smile on his face. Like a child that just had fun.

"That literally your job sanzu, you do this like every week¨ The other man said, aggravated with his partner.

¨But Rindou, it feels new every time. When I ravage a group of helpless people and have their heads off as they scream for help, that feeling will never be topped¨. Sanzu grinned.

¨Ÿea whatever, do you I guess. As long as the boss is happy¨ Rindou yawns.

¨Is Kakucho and Ran not done yet¨ Sanzu asks with a bored tone ¨are those kids really that tough¨ he said.

¨I mean they are the prime targets so I wouldn't be surprised. Infact I heard one of them killed a troupe member and the one we were asked to spare was the zoldyckś youngest son.¨ Rindou replied.

¨Oh he killed one of chrollo's lackeys? And a zoldyck? They must be a bit more fun then¨ sanzu laughed in excitement. ¨No wonder it's taking them so long, those bastards¨.

¨Ẅhoŕe you calling a bastard?!¨ says a scarred man yells from behind sanzu. ¨i'm twice as strong as you, y'know!?¨ he said as he moved toward sanzu.

¨Whatever whereś big brother ran, Kakucho? ¨ rindou asks.

¨Iḿ right here¨ a man with strikingly similar features with rindou appears. ¨and we handled the targets, hereś the zoldyck brat¨ he said as he tossed a certain white haired boy to his younger brother. ¨youŕe taking this motherf*cking kid back to silva, Understood?¨ he ordered.

¨Yes Big brother¨ Rindou says and by the next minute he was out.

¨Kakuchou youŕe to hu-¨ Ran continues

¨Shut the fuck up! don't give me orders like i'm your brother or subordinates!! I only take orders from the boss!!!¨ Kakucho yells.

¨Cool and what did the boss say to do after youŕe done here?¨ Ran asked, still with a cool voice.

¨To go back home with sanzu!!!¨ Kakucho yells more.

¨Good, so do that. I haven't finished my mission yet¨ he turns around and attempts to leave.

¨Wheŕe you going!!¨ Kakucho asks.

¨Orders from the boss, Iḿ to bang up a village called whale island, bye.¨ with that Ran disappeared.

Sanzu then proceeds to set fire to the hotel building just for fun and kakucho allows it because, why not, everyone in the hotel was massacred anyways.

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