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Your Pov

It was heavy. The pressure was heavy. Father was looking at you and you felt as if he could kill you in that one stare. Sweat was trickling down your spine. Standing in the midst of those 2 by his side alone was a problem let alone him. The silence was not making things better. But you couldn't speak. I didn't know what he summoned you for and you don't wanna give him unnecessary info, so you're shutting up. "How have you been, daughter?" he smiled. Suddenly the pressure vanished, you were expecting him to be ultra harsh but he was surprisingly soft. "I-i've been good dad." you answered nervously, still caught off guard by his kindness. "Why did you run away from home?". Ok he wasn't smiling this time and that was scary, you went from calm to panic mode instantly"U-uh i-- um I–" . "it's ok princess, I'm not angry, I just wanna know" he smiled again. You calmed down after that and you decided to tell the truth, ain't no point in hiding it now is there. "Um- so I- I was bored and was curious to see what the outside world was like so I applied for the hunter's exam" you said all that while twirling my hair. "Hm curiosity huh" he puts his hand on his chin. "Ok then, c'mere daughter" he extended his hand gesturing for me to come closer. you stood still for a second but then you didn't want to keep him waiting so you walked closer, slowly. When you got closer to him, you grabbed the hand he extended and he held yours then drew you closer and carried you on his lap. He wrapped his arm around you and his palm landed on your lap. You relaxed and rested your head on the crook of his neck. You honestly missed when you both talked like this when you were younger. But over time you both just stopped talking as much and then he stopped coming home for long times. That's why you were able to relax so quickly because you missed moments like this. "So tell me Y/N, How was your journey? Tell me everything, what you learnt, who you met, what you did,how you felt, everything from the moment you stepped out of the house till the moment you came back here. Everything". Reminiscing about the [ast again, your face beamed with excitement "Yes dad! So my journey started...".

2 hrs later...

I told him everything I can remember. I had been talking for a long time, non-stop and he had been listening and nodding attentively. "Hmm, it seems like you had fun but I'm curious about something". "Yes dad?". "So who taught you nen?". That question came out of left field which surprised you but again this was your dad, of course he noticed. "In the heavens arena dad, I followed my friends there and we encountered the person who taught us". "Hmm interesting, looks like you only just started". "Yes! I'm just tryna focus on my ten and how long I can hold it for, currently it's only 2 hours. Also, how did you learn about nen '' you asked out of curiosity. "Daughter, i've been in the delinquent world since I was 12 and after that I became a leader of the kantou manji gang at 16 and formed bonten at 19, I became affiliated with some other people, I learned nen from them". "I see, the zoldycks were one of them right?". " yes, the family from which the killua you just spoke about was from, the one you'd get married to when you're older". Get married huh'. You didn't plan on marrying anyone of the zoldycks but you just let him believe that because you didn't want trouble. "So dad, how long has it been since you learned nen?". "Hmm, about 20 years ago". "Wow, then you must be a monster, I definitely don't wanna battle with you". He chuckled at your words and then he began stroking your hair, "No dear, the one I'm scared of is you. Your potential far surpasses mine, that's why you'll be the next President of Bonten". Another thing you definitely did not plan on becoming but nodded your head because you just want peace for now. "Also" , he continued "when will you leave again?". "In about 4 months, dad". "I see, rindou, you and kakucho will train with my daughter for the meantime. Kakucho will handle martial arts and body strengthening while Rindou will handle speed and weapon training. Ran is quite busy so he won't be making it, Understood?". "Yes Sir!". Only the man on the left talked, I'm guessing he's Rindou huh' and the silent one beside him must be Ran since he practically looks like his twin. "Thanks daddy!" I pecked him on the cheek. "Don't mention, baby" he smiled. "I look forward to training with you, Mr. Rindou". "Yes Lady Y/N! I'm honored to be your trainer for the next couple of months. C'mon let's go and find Kakucho". I waved at my father before leaving with Rindou. Now I can get stronger and show off to Gon and Killua!

After Y/N left the room...

"She's grown quite well, would you agree Ran". "Yes Boss, I was even surprised to see her today, She's gonna be one dangerous person when she reaches her full potential". "What do you expect, she's my daughter after all, She'll be a great card for me, nobody will even light a candle to us". "Most correct sir, Lady Y/N will be a trump card for us, once she's fully matured". The two men laughed in the darkness.

While F/N loves his daughter very much, He holds Y/N's talent with high regard and It appears he's planning to use it as a means to tyrannically dominate the underground world.

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