Chapter 3- Monster

Start from the beginning

Y/N- It was right there...

Have I been hallucinating?

Y/N- What are you doing here?

Jimin- I was working late. I heard you call for help, so I ran as fast as I could. Were you attacked?

Y/N- Yes.

I shiver.

Y/N- It looked so real...that girl was dead...

Jimin- You're terrified. Working late must be having a negative effect on you. Let's get you some water.


Y/N- The monster! We're in danger here!

Jimin's brow furrows in confusion and he puts a hand on my shoulder.

Jimin- There is no monster, Y/N. You've worked too hard, and you need some sleep. Let me take you home.

Y/N- No! You have to believe me, Jimin! It's real, and it was right here!


Y/N- Let's hide in a classroom.

Jimin doesn't say anything, but he follows me into one of the classrooms that line the hallway.

Y/N- Help me block the door.

Jimin- Are you serious?

Y/N- Just do it please!

Jimin and I push a desk against the door.

Jimin- I don't see why this is--

Y/N- Just listen!

A few moments later, the faint sound of shuffling feet fills the silence. Jimin lifts his eyebrows, but before he can comment, something slams agaainst the door.


Jimin- What's---

Y/N- Shh, I don't know if it can hear us or smell us.

Th ecreature slams against the door for a few more times, but the heavy desk holds it in place. Dissatisfied groans fill the hallway, slowly dissipating as the thing slowly drags itself away.

Jimin- Whoever it was, it sounds like he left.

Y/N- I think so too.

Jimin- Good thing it doesn't know how to use the doorknob.

Y/N- So you believe me?

Jimin- Let's just get out of here and then we'll talk.

Y/N- Where do we go from here?

Jimin- The elevator. My car is in the parking lot. Hopefully we won't encounter any more attackers.

As soon as those words leave his lips, a bloodcurdling scream fills the hallway. We turn around. The shadowy figure of the monster is outline by the moonlight coming through a large window at the far end of the hallway.

Y/N- RUN!!!

We start running but it's too fast...We're never going to make it to the elevator!  Suddenly the monster leaps at Jimin and pulls him down to the floor. I pause, not sure what to do.

Jimin- Don't just stand there, Y/N! RUN! Save yourself!!

I grab a fire extinguisher and slam it into the monster's head. It barely reacts. I lift my weapon and hit the monster again and again. Damn, this thing is heavy!

Jimin- What are you doing!? RUN!

Y/N- I'm not leaving you behind! 

I don't do any damage to the attacker, but I managed to draw his attention.

Jimin- Look out!

I dodge the monster's cloumsy attack, dropping the fire extinguisher.

Monster- GRRRAAAHH!!!

Y/N- Get away!

The monster tries to attack me again but Jimin charges at it and knocks it down.

Y/N- Jimin!!

Jimin- I'm alright. Call the elevator!

Monster- AARRGHHH!!

The monster crawls towards me incredibly fast and reaches out to grab my foot. It's going to kill me!

Jimin- Hey! Get the hell away from her!

Jimin picks up the fire extinguisher up and throws it at the monster hitting it across it's back.

Y/N- It's here! Come on!

Jimin starts running towards the elevator followed by the monster.

Jimin- I/m not going to make it, just go!

Y/N- I/m not leaving you!

I positioned myself so that the elevator door won't close.

Y/N- Hurry! He's right behind you!!

As soon as Jimin reaches me, I start pressing the button that leads to the  garage.

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