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"Hey Poppy." Poppy turned around to see Flora.

"Hey Flora." The girl smiled. 

"Can I ask you something?"


"Um... do you still like Riven?" Flora asked. She needed to know. Even if she acted like a bitch to Poppy the first time they met, the more time she spent with the girl, she liked being around her. She was fun and hot as hell. But she wasn't the type of friend to go after someone's ex, no matter how hot he was. 

"Why do you ask?" Poppy asked, confused.

Flora shrugged. "I just need to know before I start something with him."

"Start something with him?"

Flora nodded. "He's kinda been flirting with me ever since he saw me. No big deal."

Poppy slowly nodded. Not like she was hurt or anything but it wasn't a good feeling to hear your ex-boyfriend, who did nothing but flirt you all dinner last week. Of course the girl shouldn't have gotten her hopes up. This is Riven we're talking about. "Right."

"Look I know we got off on the wrong foot, but I'm not one to steal someone else's man."

Don't trust her.

"So what are you doing right now?" Poppy asked.

"Being a good friend and asking if you still like him. Like I said I'm not one to steal..."

"Someone else's man, yeah I heard." Poppy finished the girl's sentence. She was trying her best to ignore the disgusting feeling in her stomach. She had no hurt to be butt hurt about this. But she couldn't help it. "Do you want me to say no? Is that what you want me to say." 

Flora was surprised to say the least. Not that Poppy was angry, I mean who wouldn't be after hearing some girl wanting to make moves on their ex. No, it was the fact she could have sworn she saw a flash of purple in her eyes. "No... I."

"Stay away from Riven." Poppy demanded. "You and Riven will never work out because why? He loves me not you. So don't you even dare go anywhere near him."

Flora straightens, looking straight ahead and says. "Yes I will stay away from him." With that the girl walked away.

Poppy was confused. Not because of her conversation with Flora, but her eyes were purple in the reflection of the water. Then it turned back to her normal eye color.

What just happened?


uuuuuh ooooooh what's happening to poppy??

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