S2 Chapter 5: Revenge of the Robot

Start from the beginning

At the gate, Ella walked out with a stroller.

Ella: Hello!

The ground was a bit disappointed.

Ella: Pardon me. Time to walk the little one!

Random guy: Hey, lady, you sure you're not hidin' Tails in that thing?

She gasped.

Random guy 2: I think you're pullin' a fast one!

Random guy: We demand to see what you've got in there!

Crowd: Show us, show us, show us, show us!

Ella: Well, all right, I will show you, but she's very shy.

Crowd: She?

They looked inside and saw Cream inside with a pacifier and Cheese acting like a stuffed toy.

Ella: Isn't she an adorable little pumpkin pie? She looks just like her daddy. But I say she has my eyes.

Ella continued walking with the stroller and then she walked into an alleyway.

Ella: Come on out, Tails, the coast is clear!

Tails came out of Ella's dress.

Tails: That was pretty close, Ella, but we fooled 'em. Tails: You make a perfect baby, Cream!

Cream: Thank you, Tails.

Y/n ran to them.

Y/n: Glad me and Chuck's plan worked.

Tails: What was your part in it again?

Y/n: You guys were my distraction from the front while I snuck out the back.

Cream: Why didn't you let Mr. Tanaka be the baby?

Y/n: Because he would've made a fugly baby.

Cream: I don't even think I should ask what that means.

Y/n: Smart girl. Now, this is where we split up. Me and Tails will go solo to find what we want. Cream, you go back with Ella to the house in case anything comes up.

They all nodded and they split up.


Y/n was running through the forest of Mystic Ruin until he ran into Sonic.

Y/n: Fancy meeting you here, Faker.

Sonic: I could say the same, my good man.

They both saw the same red sphere Knuckles saw.

Y/n: What the hell was that?

Sonic: Let's follow it and find out.

Y/n: Okay, but be cautious.

They followed the sphere into a temple and made them go behind a waterfall caused by a stone dragon head.

Y/n: I feel a high spiritual energy here.

Sonic: How so?

Y/n: I can't describe it, but something here reminds me of my day's training at the Chao Shrine.

They continued following the sphere which lead them to a stone drawing of a giant monster.

Sonic: What's this? A sea monster?

Y/n put his hand on it.

Y/n: Judging by the carvings, it's had to have been around for at least a century.

Sonic: Kinda creepy.

They heard Tikal's voice.

Tikal: When anger and sadness overflow like a mighty ocean, beware the great calamity.

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