Chapter 36: Conquering Battles

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While the group continues with the mission, underneath the very compound of the mansion's basement held Seina, leaning against the corner. Her rose-gold hair was now cut unevenly above her nape. Her clothes were dirty and disheveled from the abuse as purple and yellow bruises covered parts of her exposed pale skin. Both wrists and ankles were shackled after she attempted to escape and resists from her captors. She ended up in a miserable state.

'Elder brother must be livid.' Seina thought to herself, 'I shouldn't have insisted in coming here, not knowing what to expect.'

The metal doors of the basement opened as she looked towards her captors coming inside. A fat wealthy human and two demon guards.

"I see you're awake, doll." The human said, "Your hair will definitely be sold for millions right now. Of course, that doesn't mean I'll keep you. I'll sell your body, at the very least, demand how much you're worth. A hybrid is rarer than a normal demon."

"You're disgusting." Seina sneered at him, her eyes showing her disgust, "You'll lose everything from today... And you'll die this way, either by us or your laws for your crimes."

"Hah! As if I would you little bitch!" The man said as he slapped her face, creating a red mark on her cheek, "You're now my product to sell. Now be a good porcelain doll and shut up." He said as he turn to his demon men, "Guard the doors and make sure she doesn't get out." He ordered them before leaving the basement with the two guards outside of the door.

Seina sighed as she gently touched her aching cheek. "I'll never come back here again. He'll suffer the consequences of his actions." She said staring at the ceiling, "Someone... Please take me... away from here." She pleaded quietly, closing her eyes as tears fell down her cheeks.


It took us a while to finally get to the compound, but only for us to get engaged in what looked like a warzone. I'm just glad that the twins are here helping us, or else we'd be dead for sure. That goes for the dragon siblings as well.

Right now, Kai and Kura are fighting on the front lines along with Hakuryuu and Seiryuu, who barrowed one of Kura's swords. Gotta say, he knows his way with the blade and is a master at it.  I felt bad for the squirrel who was barely hanging onto him.

"I feel bad for little Au." Hinata said, having the same thoughts as me about the squirrel,

"I'm sure she's fine, Hinata dear." Ryokuryuu said, gently patting her shoulder, "Let's just help out our front liners with the fight." He said as he jumped, taking out his kunai and throwing them towards the demons, each hitting either their vital points or upper limbs.

"Yeah, let's go kick some ass." Brother knucklehead said as he went to charge, only to be stopped by Teruyuki who made him slip with his ice on the ground, "The hell was that for, Snow Boy?!" He yelled at him,

"Bro, think a little would you." I said to Daisuke, "With them fighting in the front lines, we'll only get in their way."

"Hans is right." Kohana agreed with me, "They're currently taking out the weakest which has the most number. We'll move once they're made an opening for us to get in the mansion." She explains to him as she looked ahead to the fight, "For now, we must be patient and think carefully."

"But miss Seina is in the basement. Can we just make a hole underneath us?" Ouryuu asked as we all simultaneously looked at the ground beneath us. Although what he said make sense and save us the trouble...

"It's too risky, we'll collapse that entire ground with Seina underneath the debris." I stated,

"Then what about Kohana's plants and Teruyuki's ice powers." Hinata suggested as we turn to her, "She can use her rose spear to break through the ground into the basement with Teruyuki helping in freezing parts of it to prevent its collapse."

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