Chapter 24: Knowing the Half-breeds pt. 1

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It was morning when I woke up in the Jaganshi home. Ouryuu was also just waking up as Au came and nuzzled my cheek.

"Morning Seiryuu. Did you sleep well?" He asked and I nodded in reply. "Me too! Let's go see the others if they're awake." He suggested as I went to get my sunglasses and wore them. The lenses have more of a darker shade than normal, but it didn't bother me since I could still see, even in the dark.

We got up and fixed the bed neatly before going out of the room. Going downstairs, my nose immediately picked up the smell of breakfast food. I saw Hinata helping miss Hayami, preparing breakfast with little Tatsuo also helping in setting the table.

"I see you are finally awake." We heard Hakuryuu say, making us turn to him as we walked towards us the glass door backyard.

"Morning Hakuryuu!" Ouryuu greeted him,

"Oh, you two are awake." Miss Hayami said, smiling at us. "I hope you slept well last night."

"I slept well, miss Hayami." Ouryuu said as I nodded,

"That's good to hear." She said, "Oh if you're wondering where the others are, they're outside by the yard. Hiei is doing some training with Kaida and Kuraokami."

"Yeah, Ryokuryuu went to watch them." Hakuryuu said,

"Umm, how long do they train exactly?" Hinata asked curiously to miss Hayami,

"Oh, during the weekends with my husband being home, they would often train for three hours straight in the morning." She said nonchalantly, "Though it's mostly hand-to-hand combat. They would be training with their swords later in the day."

"Eh?" We all blankly said,

"They also wake up four in the morning whenever Hiei is around." Miss Hayami added,

"But it was late last night. Do they have enough sleep for training?! They might be exhausted?" Hinata asked worriedly,

"Don't worry, a little lack of sleep isn't going to kill them. A whole day without sleep, they would still be able to go." Miss Hayami in reassurance, "It's just how the body of a demon works, that includes half-breeds as well."

"Mother as far as we're concerned, you're the one who needs the most sleep." We all turned to see Ryoku, Kaida, and her father standing by the door. "Plus, need I remind you who fainted the other night from exhaustion." Kaida scolded her mother, which I find it cute.

"To be fair, I piled up my workload that was for the next three days and decided to do them all in one day." Miss Hayami explained to her, "Another reason for that is because I had to meet up with my uncle in Demon World to discuss some matters about stopping Mari since the higher-level demons are targeting me whenever I'm alone. Thankfully those were demons that aren't even close to Daku's level."

"Hn. Good reasons but it's still not a good excuse for you to stop and rest at least for a few minutes." Kaida stubbornly said crossing her arms.

"Mommy, please rest." Tatsuo told her mother as she gently tugged her apron, "I'm a big girl and can help take care of you while you rest." She said,

"Listen to your girls, Onna." Mister Hiei said walking over to his wife, "You worry about others more than yourself. It's a bad habit, though it's just in your nature."

"Right, and you disappearing for months is a bad habit that makes me worry more." Miss Hayami deflected, making mister Hiei turn away with a grunt and the rest of us chuckle at the display.

"It seems that demons, even half-breeds are very resilient and stubborn." Ryokuryuu said,

"Oh, you have no idea how stubborn we are." Kaida said to him,

Human & Demon Halfbreeds | Yu Yu Hakusho: Next Generations Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora