Chapter 13: Jaganshi Family Reunion

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"Kids we're back and we got someone and something to show you guys!" The Mazoku King announced but only to sweat drop and sensed the gloominess of the children in the room. From the look of things, they were mentally drained. "What the heck happened to you guys while we're gone?" Yusuke asked as everyone came up behind him to see the commotion, but noticed that dragon siblings are not present.

"Don't bother dad." Daisuke said, having his face flat on the table while waving him off,

"Aunt Botan talked too much, it's terrible." Kiyoshi said, sitting on the floor with his head tucked in his arms,

"I swear, she's one nosy cat." Yukiko said lifting her head from the table, "Next time I'll just make and excuse and get myself out of the situation." She said and turned to the door to see a familiar figure, making her eyes widen in recognition and mouth open.

"What is it, Yukiko?" Kohana asked her in confusion as she lifted her head,

"It better not be aunt Botan, or else I'm gonna scream." Daisuke said while Kohana just followed her cousins gaze, only to mirror her reaction,

"Uncle Hiei, you're back?!?!" She yelled in shock, causing every half-breed in the room to snap out of their daze and looked at the door to see their fire demon uncle.

"Please tell me I'm dreaming." Daisuke said, only to receive a smack by his brother,

"We're not, dimwit!" Hansuke said, "It's been a long time, uncle Hiei." He greeted his uncle,

"Too long actually." Teruyuki said, "Ten years isn't exactly short of a wait for your return. Well for a human anyways."

"Though it's good to see that you're doing well." Kiyoshi said,

"I didn't even know uncle Hiei looks this good in person." Yukiko said blushing a little at the sight of her uncle, "Dammit! Curse the dragon siblings for having a handsome dad!" She yelled, making her own father faint from the personal attack that went to him.

"Well it's good to know that you still know you're uncle despite not remembering much of him." Hayami said, sweat dropping a little at Kuwabara's predicament as we went to a corner of the room to sulk.

"By the way, where are your moms and Botan at?" Yusuke asked,

"Oh their talking somewhere around the temple after their walk a couple of hours ago." Kohana informed him politely, "Aunt Botan went to catch up with them shortly."

"And Yoko?" Kurama asked noticing his daughter's absence in the room, though confusing his fire demon friend about the name that was originally the fox's.

"She's taking a nap." Kiyoshi said to him, "After playing so much, she's exhausted herself. Yoko's resting in you and mother's room, father." He said,

"Very well, thank you." Kurama said and went on ahead inside to see his young,

"What about the dragon kids." Hayami asked, noticing her children's presence is not in the temple,

"Kaida said something about taking Tatsuo down to the beach earlier. I guess Kura went with her." Daisuke said,

"Keeping tabs on her again, Dai?" Yukiko asked with a smug look of her face,

"It's not like that at all!" Daisuke said in embarrassment despite the slight hue on his face.

Not noticing Kohana slightly frowning as looks away. "You're hopeless, Daisuke." She mumbled quietly as she stands up. "Anyways, I'll go make some tea for everyone." She announced,

"That would be great, Hana." Koenma said coming in as he gently patted her head in appreciation,

"I'll go help you, sister." Kiyoshi said as they both went towards the kitchen,

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