Chapter 35: Demon Guards

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I woke up feeling refreshed after a much-needed recovery from spending too much of my energy. Thankfully, Kai and Kura were able to come on time. I moved my head a bit, only to realize that it was being supported by something soft. I looked up to see Hakuryuu's sleeping face.

My face went as bright as my hair at the position I was in. To save myself from embarrassment, I quietly sat up and noticed the three previously injured about all healed up and doing fine. Not to mention, Hinata and her brothers are present as well.

"I see you're up after a whole night's sleep." I heard Kuraokami's voice as I turned to the entrance of the cave we were in, to see him walking towards me. I knelt, gently pressing the back of his hand against my forehead. "Luckily, you didn't have a fever despite how drained you were and just needed to recover your strength. Speaking of which, here." He said ignoring my heated face and bringing me freshly cooked meat. I figured that he went hunting earlier while everyone was asleep. "We'll leave in an hour. Kaida is currently searching for the compound."

"I'm assuming she stayed up all night to keep watch." I said,

"Hn. You know our sister, even though we are cousins." Kura smirked as I gave a light chuckle. He gently pats my head before standing up. "You did well last night by the way. Just don't overexert yourself like that again. It makes me worry."

"Oh, it's fine." I said waving him off, "You worry about your sisters more considering you their brother and the eldest. Also, you don't have to carry all the responsibility on your own when it comes to us." I reasoned, not wanting to give my elder cousin a burden,

"Kohana." He called, gaining my attention, "It's alright. I don't mind having this responsibility put on my shoulder. Besides, as the eldest in our family group, it's my job to keep you all in check. So really, it's no burden at all." Kuraokami said with a warm brotherly smile on his face.

I could see why many girls in our school, even Yukiko, would swoon over him. Despite it being his natural charm, he is truly a prince that carries a noble aura with grace and elegance in his movements while having that gentleness in his eyes. The love and respect he has for our family are heartwarming. Even if he is the son of uncle Hiei, Kura is the definite opposite of his father when it comes to personality. Though, they are both protective brothers who would do anything to make their sisters safe and happy.

Still, Kuraokami is any girl's ideal boyfriend material. A dependable and capable brother. A man who is one in a million.

I smiled up at him. "Very well. But still, don't push yourself." I said to him, to which he nods and left me be.

I looked at everyone else who was still asleep then at the sleeping White Dragon beside me. After getting to know him for a while, he really is like Kuraokami and Kiyoshi in some ways of being protective of their sisters. I admire that about him.

I smiled at the thought before shaking my head, feeling my cheeks heat up once more. Although Daisuke's gonna have a younger sibling soon, I still hope that it would be a girl. At least he would finally get what the rest of the boys are feeling when it comes to us.

Having this in mind, my smile faded into a slight disappointment at the thought. With Daisuke's mindset, I doubt that he would ever see anyone else as something more.

I suppose some first love isn't you're true love. Mine was just unrequited, one that might never be meant to be.

Hearing a squeak from an animal I turned to the sound, only to see little Au happily munching on some nuts next to a sleeping Blue Dragon. I smiled at her cuteness before deciding to eat my meal as well.

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