Chapter 49: Ocean's Fire

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"Hiei!" Ranumi called out for her brother-in-law, "Where's Hayami and Yusuke?" She asked, knowing that they all went to Demon World together.

"She went to the temple to ensure Yukina and the others were safe." Hiei replied, "As for the detective, I could care less." He said, having everyone in the know that he doesn't know what he says,

"I take it that Dad is checking Mom with Aunt Hayami." Daisuke said,

"Hn." He grunts in response and then gazes at his daughter, who was cuddled up by her girl friends. Hiei then looked at his son, who was finishing off the last couple of demons. "Kuraokami, get your sister and the girls to the temple."

"But Father..." Kaida immediately went to protest but was cut off,

"You nearly got yourself killed, and you're defenseless." Hiei sternly said to his daughter,

"It's not the first time that the eclipse happened to the point where I was nearly killed." She defended in retort as both gave each other similar glares.

"Like Father, Like Daughter." Yukiko mused,

"I could definitely see the resemblance." Hinata said with a giggle, making Kuraokami sigh.

"Hiei, Kaida. This is not the time for your little banter." Ranumi said to the two,

"She's right." Kurama agreed with his wife as he turned his gaze back to the forest around them, "It appears there are more coming."

"It's best you kids better go." Kuwabara said, ushering them to leave. "We can handle these wimps no prob now that the Shrimp is here." He beamed in reassurance.

"Hn. Seems like you're still useless even after all these years." Hiei scoffed at his brother-in-law.

Irking at the remark, Kuwabara angrily turned to him. "And you didn't even bother to change that sissy attitude of yours, you little punk." He said,

'Hiei's not the same little punk you've known, Kazuma.' Ranumi thought to herself, reminiscing those good old days when these two were at each other's throats.

"Best we listen to the elders before we get killed." Kuraokami said, moving towards his sister. "We have much of a better chance fighting with our demon energy, but at present, we don't." He said as Kaida stared at him, "Sister, this is no time to be stubborn. Save your pride for an equal fight."

"You'll swallow those words the second you fight a losing battle." Kaida retorted as she reluctantly ran back to the temple with the others,

"At least I know I fight battles I can win." He said with a smirk,

"Quite unfair, Brother Kura." Kiyoshi said,

"Are you sure you two will be all right?" asked after healing Hansuke and Ryokuryuu's wounds. "You two did well defending the temple, despite those injured fighters getting even more injured." She praised though she looked disappointed at her friends and niece, who were resting,

"We'll be fine, Aunt Haya." Hansuke reassured her, "You're timing was just right as always."

"He's right. We'll take care of things from here." The Green Dragon said as he looked up at the night sky, "The eclipse is almost over. The others might need your help."

"Right." Hayami agreed as she turned to Yusuke, who just finished checking on the pregnant ladies and little ones. "How are they?" She asked in concern,

"No bruises and whatnot. They're safe." Yusuke said,

Nodding, the female half-breed created a barrier around the temple. "Just a precaution. Puu! Lala!" She called to the giant Spirit Beast, who was slightly injured from defending everyone. "Make sure you two project everyone inside the barrier, including yourselves, okay."

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