Chapter 48: Night of the Eclipse pt. 3

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A/N: Hello everyone! Finally back for this book after more than three months of no chapter update, but hopefully I could make up during the Holidays. For reasons is due to making a book project that is recently published called "Bonds in all Forms", so feel free to read it since I put a lot of heart, time, and effort into creating it for the sake of my grades in college, making me lose sleep along with other art submissions deadlines and even test. Yeah I lack sleep but I'm still willing to continue this book until its end. So enjoy the chapter.

Clashing of weapons and sounds of fist fighting were heard from outside the temple. To be more precise, fighting in the forest distance away from the temple. The three grown-ups, half-breeds, and Dragon warriors have all engaged in a fight. However, all their opponents outnumbered them not just physically but through strength.

"Okay, this is getting ridiculous!" Yukiko complained after shooting another arrow to immobilize her opponents as Teruyuki went for the kill with his spirit sword. "Just how many are there?!" She asked; using her spirit bow, she turned and knocked the demon, sneaking up to kill her.

"Not sure." Kurama answered his niece after whipping the demons before him, "However, judging from their energy levels, they're Middle B-Class demons. The ones Yusuke and the others are currently fighting are in the A and S-Class."

Using his giant claws, Hakuryuu swiftly swings his hands and tears the demon's body to pieces. He then looked at Seiryuu, who used his Dragon eyes and paralyzed his opponents. He stumbled forward, and when the White Dragon was about to catch his fall, Kaida helped balance him up.

"Don't go falling on me in the middle of a fight, Seiryuu." Kaida said and slashed her sword to the side, killing the demon charging at her without looking. "And don't use your eyes too often. Save it for more dire circumstances." She added quietly while having her hand on his arm.

"Sorry." Seiryuu apologized, putting back his glasses and readjusting the grip on his sword.

Kaida shook her head, dismissing his apology before witnessing Hinata using her telekinesis powers, lifting her opponent with slight difficulty until Kohana or Kiyoshi knocked them unconscious. Ouryuu was guarding her blind spot. She smirked at the sight before charging in with her sword, embedded with her spirit energy.

"How the hell did that bitch brainwashed these freaks anyway?" Daisuke asked, sensing a demon about to strike him from behind. He turned around, only to be splashed in the face by the demon's blood. He looked to see Kuraokami as its killer, parts of the blood staining his clothes. "Thanks for the bath, Kura, but I'd prefer to get in a hot tub than bathe in demon blood." He said with sarcasm,

"Apologies, Daisuke." Kuraokami said before slicing another demon from the side, "As for your question; It's possible she controls them like puppets, and the poison she injected into her victims are her strings to pull." He said then looked at a bloodly covered Daisuke, "It's better that you get that blood washed away immediately."

"End how the hell do I do that?!" Daisuke complained to him until a gush of water spilled on him from above.

"This will do for now, so you boys better not get..." Ranumi trailed off and gasped, seeing multiple demons coming at once. She jumped, clenching her fist as it made contact with the ground, breaking parts of the earth with her strength and killing the demons upon collision. "DISTRACTED!!!" She cried out, finishing her sentence.

"Wah! Aunt Ranumi's so strong!" Hinata shrieked in surprise,

"That's our mother for you." Kohana said with a proud smile,

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