Chapter 22: Who We Really Are

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After burning all the corpses from the demons we fought just now, I sense a groups of people staring at us while putting on my gloves. I turned to them and was about to wipe their memory with my Jagan like father thought me and while back, but only to stare in horror as my eyes landed on familiar sapphire eyes.

Why is she and her brothers here? I thought they already went home?

"Hinata?" I breath out, not knowing that I was holding one in the moment I locked my eyes with hers. Her brothers all had the same reaction as well.

"This is bad. They saw everything." Kuraokami hissed in irritation for getting caught like this. I wouldn't blame him since I'm in the same predicament. "We need to leave and tell mother and father about this." He said, nodding my head in agreement as we were about to leave-

"Kaida-chan! Kuraokami-kun wait!" Hinata's voice both stopped us from taking another step further as we heard her coming nearer with her brother. But neither of us dared to face her. "Please, don't leave yet!"

How could we even face her after what she saw before her eyes?

"Hinata, it's best that you forget what you and your brothers saw." Kura spoke as I internally nodded in agreement with him.

"Why should I forget about it knowing that my childhood friends are part demons." Hinata spoke out loud, surprising both me and my brother to the point we turned to her in disbelief. Her brother were next to her while she held a stern and sympathetic look. "I've known for quite some time that you two are demons. I'm aware of the presence of demons as well as my brothers."

My eyes were still wide from shock that she has known from the start, yet never uttered a word nor pushed us away. "Your awareness of spirit and demon energy are strong." I observed, sensing the power of her spirit energy. "Though we still think it's best that you forget about tonight. That goes to the four of you." I said, my eyes gazing the four men in front of me before landing on the blue haired boy.

"The last thing we need for all of you to get involved in our problem." Kuraokami spoke with a stern voice, "There will be heavy consequences in the five of you are dragged into this mess." He said as I started to leave,

"Kaida! Kuraoka-!" Before Hinata could even speak anymore, she was cut off when I pulled out my sword upon sensing something coming.

"Sister step away!" Hakuryuu said as my eyes widen at the sight of his white gloves hands tare and grew large. Hard scales covering its entirety with claws that could probably crush any substance.

Both me and Kuraokami leaped away as I see Hakuryuu protecting Hinata behind his giant clawed hands as it emits a powerful energy, unlike something I've ever felt.

"If you think I would just let you harm our sister, then you're making a grave mistake." Hakuryuu threatened,

"Haku, wait!" Hinata told him in protest,

"If you two just want to pick a fight, then I should be your opponent." Ryokuryuu said before he leaped up high into the air as I sensed his energy emitting from his legs. He then shot kunai knives at us.

"That's not was not my intention." I said to him, my voice stern and emotionless as I easily deflected his kunai away with my sword,

"Guy! Please!" Hinata pleaded, knowing that she wanted us to stop. I didn't want to fight them in particular in the first place.

"Then why did you draw out your weapon!" Hakuryuu accused before he charged at us with his clawed hands.

Kuraokami narrowed his eyes as they glow a light hue before water surrounded both of us, acting as a barrier when the claws collided against it. "Rather than attacking us, you should focus your energy on the upcoming demons that sensed the two of you." He said as more demons came. Kura lowered his water barrier as we both faced the horde of demons. "After all, they're here." He then glared at them when we turn around to see a larger group of the the same demons.

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