Chapter 3: Giving it some Thought

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"Looks to me that you've improved a lot in taking care of our patients, despite that you have only began working here two years ago, Dr. Umi. A true prodigy." Dr. Sumire complimented me as we are in my hospital office.

"Thank you. I appreciate your help in guiding me in my profession." I said to her while fixing the files of my other patients that were scheduled in particular dates. "I'm sure I would've been lost in performing my duties as a doctor and it might've caused a patient's life for that matter."

"Still, you've managed to pull it off and I'm quite proud to see you're doing well on your own." She said while I smiled in response as I removed my doctor's coat. "So your boyfriend's gonna pick you up?" She asked,

"Yes." I answered her, "We're meeting up with my whole family later and I'm happy to see my niece and nephew." I let a quiet chuckle, "It's hard for me to believe that time flies at how fast they're growing."

"Agree. Speaking of family..." Dr. Sumire trailed off as she gave a brief eye contact. "Have you ever thought of ever wanting a family of your own with your guy?" She asked,

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked confusedly,

"Umi, you're great with kids and it's clear that you have that mother vibe whenever you attend to patients that are children. You even go to the nursery to check on the newborn's condition. Not to mention your love life is very stable and strong with a man who loves you and is committed to you." Sumire said, pointing out the signs. "Besides, didn't you say that you'll be moving to a more appropriate home that is slightly closer to where your sister lives."

"Yes, I did said that..." I trailed of, trying to process what is suddenly given to me. Before I could think more or reply to her, my phone rings and buzzed on my desk. I picked it up, only to see that Kurama is calling me.

"Your boyfriend?" She asked,

"Yes..." I answered quietly,

Dr. Sumire sighed and gave a warm smile. "Anyway, enjoy your time with your relatives." She said as she went for the door, "Also, think about what I said. Your guy is one in a million and I want you to be happy." She then left my office,

I turned to the vibrating phone in my hands and answered the call. "Hello?" I answer,

"My water lily, I'm waiting for you outside the hospital parking lot. I'm making my way towards the entrance to meet you." Kurama spoke, "Hayami called saying that we would be leaving to Demon World in half an hour. Are you done in your shift by chance?" He asked,

"Yes, I'm done. I'm just arranging some files here. I'll come meet you in a few minutes." I said to him,

"Of course beloved. Love you." He said in which I smiled,

"Love you too, Kurama." I said before hanging up to continue to organize my office before leaving.


After organizing her office and getting picked up by Kurama, they both walked back to the car and drove the way towards the Jaganshi household. During the ride, the fox demon noticed Ranumi unusually quiet. She usually speaks to him of how her day was at work and ask him of his, but neither questions were spoken for.

Kurama gently placed his left hand on her hands while keeping his other hand on the wheel. "Ranumi, is there something on your mind. It seems like it's bothering you." He said glancing at her for a second before turning back to the road.

"Just thinking of what Sumire said to me earlier." Ranumi told them as she looked at him, "She was wondering if I wondered about having a family of our own." She said,

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