Chapter 46: Night of the Eclipse pt. 1

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"How are your preparations coming along?" Yukiko asked as she washed the paint off her arms,

"It's going well, more or less." Kaida said leaning against the sink with her arms crossed, "So far, we're doing the entire play, making sure we got out lines memorized and in character through out the practice. The costumes, background scenery, and props are coming along well with the backstage preparations. What about you and our brothers?" She asked,

Yukiko sighed, "It's kinda boring. But I'm proud of the overall design. All dark and scary with the thrilling background music. Most of the girls in our class kept screaming from the jump-scares the guys are doing."

"Hn." She hummed and helped her cousin dry her arms, "You do realize what tonight will be right?" She said.

"Yeah." The ginger-haired girl nodded knowingly,


We've been busy with the cultural festival preparations that we only have one more week for the day of the event. The past few days were hectic of most of us, especially Kuraokami, being that he is the Student Council President, so much that he was going home much later than his own sister. Although I'm helping him as much as I can these days in the council, I've been busy helping mom with her pregnancy.

She's been throwing up lately to the point the school she's been teaching in asked her to take a week's rest before coming back to work until her third-trimester. Even though Dad and Dai are there to help, my brother and our grandparents are running the diner, while Dad is busy in Demon World running Tourin with Hokushin after a near invasion. Thankfully, Uncle Hiei went with him to stop that from happening, despite being on his 'day-off'. They both haven't been back for three days now.

Packing my stuff for today, I sensed that the demon energies of my friends are slowly getting weaker. "Looks like we're heading to the temple later. Hopefully Mom's already there with the rest of the adults." I mumbled,

"Lord Hansuke." I heard my name being called and turned around to see Seina,

"Seina, aren't you supposed to be with the Jaganshi twins?" I asked,

"Yes, however, Lady Kaida asked be to fetch Lady Tatsuo on her behalf since Queen Hayami isn't currently present." She said, heading over to her locker and changes her shoes. Her locker happens to be right beside mine.

"Wait... Aunt Haya isn't in here in Living World?" I asked a bit alarmed,

"I'm afraid not. She received a water call from Lord Takumi asking for her assistance." Seina said as she continued to explain. "I'm not clear on the details, but Lady Fujin was injured during the patrols along with her companions of you're quite familiar with. Lord Yaketsuku was forced to take matters along with Lady Homura and Queen Hayami. She left last night, have me relay the message to her children. I would assume that Lord Jin along with the others are coming here to recover."

"It's that bad in Demon World..." I said,

"Indeed. I'm suppose to visit my brother tonight, but was told to remain here for my safety." She said,

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