Chapter 25: Knowing the Half-breeds pt. 2

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I was gathering some flowers from the garden in order to bring to the temple, paying my respects to Master Genkai's grave and another person close to my heart. Using my energy, I made the flowers I've gathered last for at least three weeks. At least it will not wilt during the train ride.

"Sister!" I heard Kiyoshi called for me as I got up with the flowers in hand, "Lunch is ready." He said walking from our house towards me, "Deciding to bring them flowers." He said pointing out,

I smiled, "Of course. Even though we go there every weekend, I'd still like to bring them flowers as a respect." I said to him as my expression turned solemnly. "After all, they mean much to us and the rest of our family."

"Don't worry, I know." Kiyoshi said as he took my hand and started leading me inside, "Besides, the first son of her successor would be upset about it. Wouldn't want your beloved to feel that way now do you." He said nonchalantly, but it made me flustered,

"Daisuke's not my beloved!" I said in defiance, but still wishing it were to be true.

"Honestly, you're too good for him Hana." He said, making me surprise at this as he turned to a stop before reach the door. "I get that you like him since we were kids, but how long are you gonna keep chasing him until he notice you?" He asked with concern lacing in his tone. "I know it's not my place, but I'm concerned about your personal life as your younger brother. I just don't want to see my older sister hurt by the guy she likes." He then squeeze my hand gently before letting go to enter the house, leaving me to my thoughts.

Although, Kiyoshi was correct.

My feelings wouldn't matter to Daisuke if he doesn't feel the same way about me. After all, he has eyes for Kaida. Who wouldn't want such a strong and fierce woman like her? I'm sure many boys falls for such a personality in a girl, other than their looks.

I envy her despite that I looked up to her as an older sister.

Kaida keeps deflecting Daisuke's advances for my sake. I'm not blind because I could see the way she encourage me in dealing with my feelings for the Mazoku Prince, while she continues to push him to me. Sometimes I really want to burry myself forever in a hole because of the embarrassment that I can't face him properly.

Sighing to myself, I entered the house as I pushed those thoughts aside for now. There are more important matters after what father had discussed with us of what transpired at aunt Haya's home last night. Thankfully, they are all alright.

Though what will happen now?


"So Master Genkai's temple is all the way out here?" Hinata asked was everyone walks up the narrow path that leads to the temple. Even though their was a small town, the path grows narrows as they continued to walk.

Hinata and her brothers all met the four family groups by the train station, surprised to see how big their family really is altogether. The train ride was peaceful to say the least thanks to a near scene with Hakuryuu feeling insulted by one of Daisuke's immaturity that caused his claws to grow. Thankfully it was stopped by Hinata and Hansuke the by silently scolding their brother, with a smack in the head in the Urameshi boy's part for his older brother. But nonetheless, they were able to arrive without so much as a scratch.

"That's right." Hayami said to her,

"Still it's a freaking nature walk since the old hag practically lives in the middle of nowhere." Yusuke said, earning a smack by his wife,

"Come on, she's your and Hayami's teacher." Keiko said, "At least show some respect."

"On the bright side, it's good exercise." Yukiko said stretching her arms up before tripping over a tree root, ending up face onto the ground,

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