Chapter 15: Headaches, Yellings and Destruction! Oh my!

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Kaida woke up abruptly from having a dream of her memory when she had her scar, getting a sudden headache in the process as she noticed the sun has barely risen. 'My headache's been happening since yesterday. What's wrong with me and why that dream?' She thought in confusion as she rested her temple on the palm of her hand. 'What a way to wake someone up.' She added in sarcasm as she got up from bed and get ready for their rescue.

It was early in the morning and everyone was preparing for their departure to Demon World in order to rescue Hayami and Tatsuo from their kidnappers. Deciding that they were leaving at the brink of dawn, almost everyone woke up early and immediately discussed their plan in getting to the hideout during breakfast.

"Dad, are you sure you don't wanna come?" Yukiko asked, practically begging for her father to let her go on the rescue since last night,

"You and Teruyuki are still too young to go on this rescue." Kuwabara reasoned with his daughter,

"Then how come Hana and Kiyo are coming along?!" She pointed out, "Plus, Kiyoshi is in the same age as us."

"Then again, you three are turning thirteen in a few months." Ranumi said as she took a sip of her tea. "Though I'm against the fact of you kids fighting demons, but if it's a means to defend yourselves, I don't mind."

"Maybe, but they are two years younger than us when we kicked some demon ass. In short, you guys are still kids." Yusuke said as he munched on his food, "Not to mention me and Kuwabara were already used to fighting in the streets before we knew anything about demons. So you could say we have had enough experience about fighting."

"He does have a point." Keiko agreed with her husband, making the ginger haired girl pout and sulk in her seat,

"It's better this way, Kiko." Kuraokami said to her,

"Says you, because you're gonna save your mom and sister, Kura." Yukiko retorted bitterly,

"Kuraokami's not saying this as an excuse to save them." The Kaida said as she looked at her cousin, "The demon me and him fought against was an S Class apparition. With the level of strength and power you have now along with the experience of fighting, it won't be enough to kill him." She then heard her growl, "I just don't want to see you get hurt or go through the same incident I went when I got this scar." She said, pulling the fabric from her forehead to reveal the ugly dark slit on her.

That sight alone was enough to calm Yukiko as she remembered how much pain her cousin went through, even if she was toddler back then. "I get that, but I want to prove myself too, you know." She said, understanding the the older twins were just trying to protect them from getting killed.

"I know you want to cousin." Kohana said in sympathy, "But sometimes impatience can get us nowhere no matter how much we push ourselves. It just takes time."

"They're both right." Daisuke said eating and swallowing his bread, only to stop halfway down his throat. Thankfully Hansuke slapped his brother's back hard for him to nearly spit it out, but kept it down.

"Our time will come soon, sis." Teruyuki said as he looked at his twin, ignoring the shenanigans of the Urameshi brothers, "At least while we're here, we can train with dad and protect everyone the temple at the same time."

"Wait, aunt Ranumi's not gonna train us too?" Yukiko asked,

"Sorry Kiko, but I have to be there in case Hayami gets injured while protecting Tatsuo." Ranumi explained to her, "Even if my sister can heal her own injuries, who knows how long she'll last with her energy being drained from protecting Tatsuo. But I can take care of myself, just as fine."

"Right, with that brute strength, you can eliminate an army with a single punch." Kiyoshi said, a bit scared after seeing his mother's full potential during her fights in the demon tournament.

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