Chapter 28: Powers and Ability Training pt. 1

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A/N: Hello everyone! I'm sorry for the lack of update on the chapters these few weeks. I'm currently handling my college affairs, which have been stressful and time-consuming. Even so, it doesn't stop me from writing the new chapters for you guys. However, due to my hectic schedule, the updates will be slower.

Though if you guys would like, you can suggest some scenarios for the characters in the story. I won't mind since I'm having writer's block at the moment.

Anyways, continue and enjoy the story.


Daisuke cried out as he charged toward his dad, only to be thrown away over his shoulder and into the water. He sat up, spitting out the water in his mouth, not knowing a starfish was hanging on his head and looked at Yusuke with a defeated expression.

Later Hansuke was thrown next to him, splashed with another wave of seawater.

"How's that, you youngsters?!" Yusuke yells at his sons with his hands on his hips, "Looks like you two should be the ones not slacking off in training!"

"Shut up, dad!" Daisuke yelled back, "You're just more experienced in fighting than we are!"

"No, no. You just can't surprise your papa. T'was like fighting yourself but better." An Irish voice said from above the two brothers as they looked up to see Fujin floating above them with a grin on her face. "Too bad. Should be more creative when punching your fists than dilly-dallying around." She said,

"Thanks for the advice, Fujin." Hansuke wiped the water from his face as he stood up and walked back to shore.

"FUJIN?! WHEN THE HELL DID YOU COME?!" Yukiko yelled out to her cousin in surprise at the sudden visit,

"Hi there lassy! Good to know you're as loud as ever!" Fujin greeted in delight from above the seawater,

"Who is she?" Ryokuryuu asked as he turned to Kohana,

"Oh, her name is Fujin." Kohana told him, "She's a great cousin of ours. Well, to the Kuwabara and Jaganshi twins, that is." She said,

"How come?" Hakuryuu asked in curiosity as he sat beside her,

"Fujin's mother is half-siblings with my father and aunt Yukina. They have different mothers." Kaida spoke after an hour of meditation as she looked at their curious gaze to explain more about their family. Though it weirded her out as to how she puts much trust in strangers she only met in a day. Even so, her instincts told her that she could trust them. "As per why Aunt Yukina and father are different despite being twins, they're fraternal twins like my brother and me, as well as Teru and Kiko. Grandfather is a fire apparition while grandmother is an ice apparition. Aunt Homura's mother is a fire apparition."

"Unfortunately, both mothers were never able to be one because they both passed away right after their babies were born." Yukiko added sadly as she turned to her friends, "Not to mention that grandpa had to lose both of his beloveds. The only thing that kept him living is his children whom both his mates had left a part of them to be with him. It's quite tragic if you ask me."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Hinata said in sympathy.

"It's fine. At least they're in a better place now... Far away from this shit we're dealing with." Kaida said,

"Now that you've mentioned it, your family grows bigger after learning more." Seiryuu pointed out, curious about many people in a family of demons are related by blood.

"Hn. You have no idea how big our family is." The dragon girl scoffed, knowing the many relatives her family has in demon world.

Speaking of relatives...

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