98| The Least-Best Better

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Cass, Dean and I entered the Bunker late the next evening.

"So, Ellie, uh... we gonna talk about this, or what?" Dean asked.

"About what? Yeah, I lied, but you were being an infant."

"Wow. That might have been the worst apology I've ever heard out of your mouth."

"Oh, I'm not apologizing," I glared at him as Sam joined us in the map room. "I'm telling you how it's gonna be."

"Ellie, that Blade-"

"That Blade's the only thing that can kill Metatron, and I'm the only one who can use it... so from here on out, I'm calling the shots. Capisce? Look, until I jam that Blade through that douchebag's heart, we are not a team. This is a dictatorship. Now, you don't have to like it, but that's how it's gonna be."

Angrily, Dean moved away from me, shoving past Sam to head down the hall. Sam stared at me for a long moment, before turning around and following his brother. I moved up the stairs to sit on the balcony with Cass.

"So, batteries..." I trailed off.

"I'm fine," Cass dismissed me.

"No, you're not. How long you got?"

"Long enough to destroy Metatron, I hope. But without an army..."

"Well, hey, you still got us."

"Eleanor. Those bombers- you don't really think that I-"

"Cass, you just gave up an entire army for one girl. No, there's no way you blew those people away."

"You really believe we four will be enough?"

"We always have been."

"Guys!" Sam yelled up to us.

Cass and I ran down the stairs to see Gadreel had gotten in. There was no sign of Dean, and I assumed he was most likely either with Maddie and Zep in their room or was cooling down in ours.

"I'm not here to fight," Gadreel said. "I thought about what you said. You're right. Metatron, he's... something needs to be done."

"And we should trust you, why?" Sam snapped.

"Because I can give him to you. I know where Metatron is. I know everything. I know the bombers. They were his agents, not yours. You don't trust me, fine. I understand. I've...made mistakes. But haven't you? Haven't we all? At least give me a chance."

Sam and I exchanged a look, and then I stepped forward to shake Gadreel's hand. As soon as the angel grasped my hand, I yanked the First Blade out of my jacket and slashed him deeply across the chest. Sam and Castiel leaped forward to hold me back as I snarled under the full power of the Blade, Gadreel collapsing to the ground. Managing to wrangle myself out of their grasp, I stood to face Sam who was blocking my way to Gadreel.

"Drop the blade, Ellie," he commanded me.

"Move," I snarled.

"Ellie. Look at me."

"Sam! Move! Aah!"

I cried out as Cass jumped me from the side, Sam leaping forward to grab my right arm and the Blade.

"Let it go! Let it go! Let it go!"

He finally managed to get the Blade out of my hand and together, he and Cass dragged me into the Bunker's dungeon, standing between me and the door.

"The hell if you think I'm riding the pine on this one, guys."

"Something's wrong with you, Ellie," Sam said. "And until we figure out what, this is where you have to stay."

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