97| A Call From Metadouche

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I sat across from Tessa at the table while Hannah stood off to the side.

"Okay. Well, let's start with an easy one. Who are you working for?"


"Liar," Hannah glared at the reaper.

"People like you, they never understand. Sacrifices have to be made."

"So you go after one of the bad guys, and if a few humans get microwaved, no big deal, right?" I asked.

"In the grand scheme, they don't matter."

"Oh, Tessa, you are so wrong."

"When Castiel came to me and told me what I had to do, he said I was chosen because I was strong. Others...they couldn't handle this. They're too weak."

Tessa looked over at Hannah and the angel leaped toward her, but I put out a hand to stop her. Grabbing her shoulders, I shoved her out into the hallway, stepping out as well and closing the door.

"Settle down!"

"Is- do you think she's telling the truth?"

"She thinks she is."

After talking Hannah down, I managed to convince her to let me go in to talk to Tessa alone.

"Where's your friend?"

"It's just you and me now. Let's talk about us. I mean, we got history, right?"

"Sure," the reaper nodded. "I kissed your husband before you ever did while he was dying."

I clenched my jaw, glaring across at her.

"Tell me, why are you doing this?"


"No, forget Cass," I shook my head. "Why are you doing this? What would make you want to pop your top, huh? I mean, look, I've been there, okay? I get it. But what's your reasoning?"

"I guess I just can't take the screaming."

"Who's screaming?"

"All of them. The lost souls. The ones that can't get into Heaven now that it's been boarded up. I hear them. They are so confused. They're in so much pain. All I want to do is help them. It's what I do. It's my job. But I can't. So I suffered... Until death, nothingness. Suddenly, it didn't seem so bad. It seemed quiet."

"So, why don't you just jam an angel blade in your throat and call it a day?"

Tessa scoffed, her dark eyes holding my own.

"I thought about it," she admitted. "But I was too weak. Until Castiel gave me a reason to die."

"Yeah. See, that just doesn't sound like the Cass I know," I shook my head.

"But doesn't it, though? And the Cass you know, would he raise an army of angels without telling you? 'Cause this Cass did. I'll tell you a secret. There's more out there...Like me. So many more."

"You got names?"

"That would ruin all the fun."

"No. No, see... the fun's just getting started."

Tessa watched, wide eyed, as I drew the First Blade from my jacket, and she stumbled back a step.

"Eleanor, what have you done?"

"What I had to."

"Welcome to the club."

Before I could react, Tessa sprinted toward me, impaling herself on the Blade.

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