38| Grudges

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"Eleanor, please," Dean pleaded, holding up his hands in a placating gesture. "This isn't you pulling the strings."

"That wasn't even the worst part," I growled, still holding him at gunpoint. "You spent all that time trying to find Cass, but didn't even think to look for me. I was all by myself, trying to find both you, for months, only to find out you were slumming it with a damn vampire."

"And that was wrong of me, I get that," Dean nodded, eyes flickering over my shoulder briefly before meeting mine once more.

"I don't think you do. Because not only is Benny still alive, but you gave him a free ride topside."

"Ellie?" Sam's voice sounded behind me hesitantly. "Ellie, put the gun down."

I rounded on him, pointing the gun at his head next.

"Oh, don't get me started on you, Sam," I glared at him. "You didn't even bother trying to get my kids back from Heaven after Dean and I went to Purgatory. And now Saraqael is dead and the angels are holding them hostage."

"I know," Sam swallowed. "And I'm sorry, Ellie."

"That's not Ellie, guys," Garth hissed, reaching toward his belt for a weapon.

"Don't," I growled at him. "You know, Dean told me how you didn't even bother looking for us. Just left us for dead, while you went off and played house with some girl. Really, Sam?"

Dean had moved slowly around me to stand with Garth and Sam.

"We've all made mistakes, Ellie," Sam replied. "I have... Dean has..."

"Guys-" Garth started again.

"Shut up!" I snapped at him. "Mistakes? Well, let's go through some of the Winchesters' greatest hits. Dean first. Sold your soul and only got a year to live, then signing up to be the angels' bitch boy, check. Lied to me about getting back into hunting after Sam got back from Hell. And Sammy. Drinking demon blood, being in cahoots with Ruby. Not telling Dean and I you lost your soul. Or how about running around with George and Samuel for a year while we thought you were dead and doing all kinds of crazy. Those aren't mistakes, guys. Those are choices!"

"Alright, you said it," Dean said. "We've all played fast and loose."

"Yeah, I might have lied, but I never once betrayed either of you. I never once left either of you to die. And for what, a girl and a vampire? You two gave up on me for a girl and a vampire?!"

Sam stepped forward, putting a hand on my gun and punching me so I fell back into the reception desk. Dean moved forward to help Sam as they tried to disarm me. I backhanded Sam, sending him sliding across the floor and then headbutted Dean back over the top of the desk.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Garth cried, getting in front of me before I could go for either of the brothers.

"Garth, don't," Sam told him.

"No, she won't kill me," Garth said. "Her beef isn't with me. You're not gonna shoot me, are you, Ellie?"

"Move," I growled, pointing the gun at him.

"Come on, Ellie. You don't want to kill Sam and Dean. They're practically family, you wouldn't do anything to hurt them. Don't do it now."

"They both left me to rot in Purgatory!"

"Alright, alright, maybe they did," Garth nodded. "I don't know. I wasn't there. But I'm sure they had their reasons."

"Just like you had your reasons for taking off with Maddie and Zep," Dean said.

"What?" Garth asked, looking back over his shoulder at Dean.

"I've been more of a parent to Maddie and Zep than you ever were," I growled. "Even Bobby was a more prominent figure in their lives. I'm the only one who gives a damn about them being trapped in Heaven!"

"I know you're angry," Garth jumped in again. "But, Ellie, you got to fight this thing. Do not do this! Just let it go. Come on, Ellie!"

"Goodbye, Sam. Dean."

I tried to push past Garth to get to the brothers. Before I could, however, he punched me hard. The penny in my hand dropped to the ground.

"Ow! God!" Garth cried, shaking the hand he'd just punched me with.

He reached down, picking up the penny from the floor.

"Garth, don't!" Sam and Dean chorused.

"It's cool. It's all good. I'm cool."

I reached up, touching the goo that had begun to drip out of my right ear when the spectre possessed me. I avoided Sam and Dean's gazes as Garth looked down at the penny in his hand.

"It took me forever to melt down that penny, but it's finally gone," Garth said as we headed to his vehicle later that night.

"How come that penny didn't jack you like it did everyone else?" Dean asked. "I mean, I can understand why it didn't affect the kid that took it. He's young and innocent. But, uh, everyone at some point in their life feels like they've been screwed."

"Not me, man. I let all that stuff go with the help of my yogi, my Sega Genesis. And you two should, too. You can't change the past, amigos. Now, there's something I want to say to both of you."

Garth took a deep breath, and then glared at me and Dean.

"Stop being idjits! With Bobby dead, the two of you and Sam are all the three of you have. And that's not so bad, guys. Now, you know what's coming next, right?"

He spread his arms slightly.

"Come on."

"Oh," I wrinkled my nose, Dean averting his gaze.

"Come on," Garth repeated.

"Yeah, okay."

Garth hugged me, then hugged Dean.

"Hey, uh..." Dean took Bobby's hat back out of his jacket and put it on Garth's head. "Keep on truckin', Garth."

"Thanks," Garth grinned, touching the brim of the hat in a salute before M.C. Hammer's 'U Can't Touch This' played on one of his phones. "Oh, got to go. Yo, Lamar. What do we got? Wendigo?"

Dean and I watched him climb into his vehicle, staying parked for a moment while he talked on the phone.

"You got a flare gun? No. What about a flame thrower?" he laughed. "Then you'd better get some sneakers, buddy, 'cause you're gonna have to run. Alright."

He hung up, attempting unsuccessfully to start his car. I smirked as he slammed a hand against the steering wheel.


Dean and I were both grinning, then, as he tried one more time to start the vehicle, this time with success. He gave us a thumbs-up and drove away.

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