7|The Turducken Slammer

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Maddie pouted all the way to Pine Barrens in Jersey. Sam and Bobby were following Dean, the kids and I in Bobby's car. They found out the ranger who'd found the victim was at the local Biggerson's, so while the boys talked to him, I saved us a table with Zep and Maddie.

"I want to go with Daddy," Maddie glared across the table at me.

"Not now, Maddie. He'll come over with Uncle Sammy and Grandpa Bobby in a minute."

She slouched down in her chair, continuing to pout until the trio came over and took a seat.

"She still mad?" Dean asked quietly.

I nodded, turning to help Zep who had begun to get fussy.

"I'll be right back. Get me one of those," I nodded at the advertisement for the new Pepperjack Turducken Slammer.

"Got it."

I headed into the bathroom after grabbing the diaper bag from off the back of my seat.

"Alright, little big man," I said, laying Zep down on the changing table. "Did you make a surprise for Mommy?"

I changed him quickly and then made my way back out to the table where the others were already eating.

"Good choice, by the way," Dean informed me, nodding to my sandwich. "It's really good."

"You got one, too?"

He nodded, taking another bite. Once Zeppelin was back situated in the high chair they'd provided me, I sat down to try the sandwich myself.

"Oh my God," I moaned.

"See," Dean smirked.

"Anyway," Sam interrupted us, "the ranger did seem to think there was something out in Wharton Forest."

"Well, then I'd say it's safari time," Bobby said.

I was somewhat aware of a fight breaking out between some of the employees, but I didn't pay too close attention, too focused on eating my sandwich like Dean to care.

Anyway, so after the boys investigated the woods, and Ranger Rick apparently got eaten by the Jersey Devil- which turned out to not be the Jersey Devil at all, just a normal guy who apparently got really messed up somehow- we all met up at Biggerson's again and Dean and I both got the TDK Slammer again. Sam and Bobby just got cups of coffee while Maddie got mac and cheese from the kids menu.

"Gerald Browder, 35, self employed," Sam was explaining. "Air conditioning repairman. Missing person number three. Disappeared eight days ago."

"Well, that explains all the people that got... you know what in the last eight days," Bobby said, editing his sentence since Maddie was around.

"Yeah, question is, what happened to him?"

Sam glanced up from the laptop to look at Dean and I.

"What do you think, guys?"

"I'm not that worried about it," Dean said through a mouthful of sandwich.

"What he said," I agreed, taking another bite as well.

"Excuse me?" Bobby raised an eyebrow at us.

"That's funny, right?" Dean continued. "I could give two shakes of a rat's ass. Is that right? Do rats shake their ass, or is it something else? Eh."

He shrugged in unison with me and we continued to eat. Sam was glancing around the restaurant at all the people also eating the Turducken Slammer.

"Give me those," he said, snatching away both of our sandwiches.

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