51| Marriage, LARPing, and Arguments

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My brain was short-circuiting. I'd heard Dean, but I couldn't get my mouth to move to give him a response. There had been a time, especially back during our year off after Sam went to Hell, that I had dreamed of actually getting married to Dean. I mean, we'd told everyone we were married even though we weren't. For some reason, though, we never actually did it. Granted, I knew we would never be able to legitimately get married. We were both wanted and dead by the FBI multiple times over. However, without a ring, without a "mushy speech", Dean Winchester had just asked me to marry him.

I was floored.

"Ellie Bear?" Dean asked, green eyes moving between my hazel ones, searching for an answer.

"Say it again."


"Say it again," I repeated, readjusting myself on the blanket once more so I was sitting back on my knees.

He swallowed hard, mirroring my movements.

"W-will you marry me?"

I bit my bottom lip, breaking out in a smile immediately after as I vaguely registered my head nodding up and down.

"Yeah," I breathed. "Yeah, okay."

Dean broke out in a smile as well as I let out a giggle, throwing myself at him and wrapping my arms around his neck. And then we were kissing as he fell back on his back with me on top of him.

"W-we'll have to use fake names on the papers," he mumbled against my lips.

"I don't care," I smiled against his lips.

We ended up going ring shopping before stopping at a courthouse and signing a marriage license as Dean and Eleanor Johnson. The maiden name I listed was Robinson. We figured since it was the name we'd used during our domestic period, we might as well use it. Besides, it was just our name on paper. We both knew I was really going from Dawson to Winchester. We'd gotten a simple silver band for Dean and a small, 1 carat round cut diamond ring also set in a simple silver band for me. It wasn't flashy, but I loved it.

The next morning, Sam informed us that he still hadn't found anything, but he figured we should check in with Kevin again and see if he'd made any more progress on the half tablet. So, we made a pitstop at Garth's houseboat. It was really nothing but a waste of gas. Kevin still hadn't found anything interesting on the part of the demon tablet Crowley hadn't managed to take with him.

"You okay, man?" Dean asked Sam as we were driving back.

"We have the most powerful weapon we've ever had against demons, and we can't find a way to use it."

I understood Sam's frustration. Despite the fact that the demon tablet supposedly had a way to shut the gates of Hell forever, it was seeming like the instructions were on the half Crowley got away with.

"Yeah, well, Kevin's on it," Dean insisted. "And when he finds something, he'll call. So we wait. Look, we've all had a rough go the last couple weeks. And, uh... I know what you gave up wasn't easy. Maybe we ought to take the night off- go see a flick, hit a bar or two, have some fun. You remember fun, don't you, Sammy?"

He looked over at his brother as Sam's phone rang, then shared a look with me in the rearview mirror while the younger Winchester answered it.

"Kevin, what do you got? Garth, hey."

I raised my eyebrows as he continued to talk with Garth. I was honestly surprised Garth had gotten in touch. It had seemed like he had fallen off the face of the earth for a little while.

"Really? Okay. Uh, yeah. Thanks, man," Sam spoke into the phone. "Oh, wait, hey- hey Garth. Garth, are you there? H-how'd you know where we are?"

Dean and I exchanged another look in the mirror as Sam rolled his eyes.

"Look, it's bad enough that you're tracking us, but it's even worse when you say we've been 'Garthed'," he cleared his throat. "Yeah."

I snorted as he hung up with a sigh.

"Okay, we got to lose the GPS on our phones, because Garth has been tracking us, and other hunters, apparently, to assign cases."

"Smart," I acknowledged. "A total Bobby move. What's the deal?"

"Uh, well, it's close- Farmington Hills, Michigan. Dude got ripped limb from limb inside his locked apartment."

"That's not good," Dean noted.

"Working a case," Sam rolled his eyes. "As long as we're waiting on Kevin, that'll be our fun."

Dean looked over at Sam and then back at me again.

During the case, we ended up running into Charlie again. The victim ended up being part of a LARPing game called Moondoor, and Charlie was the queen. Dean ended up becoming her handmaiden and I was appointed as one of her knights. Anyway, one of the LARPers had been forcing a fairy to use real magic to hurt those close to Charlie because he was in love with her. After stopping him and freeing the fairy, we got to participate in the Battle of Kingdoms fighting alongside Charlie's army.

On our way back to Rufus' Cabin, I tried to convince Dean to make a pitstop at a motel so we could get a few hours of sleep.

"Dean, you need rest," I insisted.

"I said I'm fine!" he countered.

"You're going to get us all killed!"

"Okay, I know you guys are an actual married couple now, but could you maybe save the fighting for when I'm not around?" Sam interrupted us. "Thanks."

Dean and I both went to argue further, but realized that that would just be giving Sam more ammunition to use against us, so we both shut our mouths. Dean ended up pulling into the first motel we passed after that that didn't seem too overtly sketchy and we booked two adjoining rooms because Sam insisted he needed his own room away from Dean and I.

"I still think we should have kept driving," Dean grumbled from the bed while I brushed my teeth in the bathroom.

"Dean, you were close to hallucinating sheep on the road," I replied. "We all needed a break."

Rinsing my toothbrush and switching off the bathroom light, I headed over to join him in bed. He was shirtless and wore a pair of sweatpants while I was in a tank top and cotton shorts.

"I was not," he insisted stubbornly.

"Sure you weren't," I smirked, leaning over to kiss his cheek. "We can argue more about it in the morning, m'kay?"

I didn't wait for his reply, reaching over to shut off the lamp and snuggling into the covers. After a few moments, I felt him wrap an arm around my waist and pull me back so I was snuggled against his chest and his face was buried in my hair.

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