25| Return

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I dropped to my knees as I fell through the portal beside Dean. We were both filthy- covered in blood and dirt. Dean had a tight grip on his blade as we snuck through what appeared to be someone's campsite. Sure enough, a few moments later, we were blinded as a man shined a flashlight in our faces.

"Oh!" he cried out.

"Where are we?" Dean growled at him.


A woman came out of the tent and I cocked my gun, pointing it at the couple.

"W- hey, hey!" the man protested.

"Where's the road?" Dean asked.

"Twelve miles, that way," the man pointed.

While I kept my gun trained on the couple, Dean grabbed a backpack off the ground and then we both took off in the direction he pointed.

Four days and a lot of hitchhiking later, we finally made it to our destination. I remained silent as Dean paced slowly and deliberately away from a windmill and then started digging.

"This better be you, you son of a bitch," he muttered.

"Dean, are you sure about this?" I asked.

He gave me a pointed look. We'd had this argument so many times over the past year. Despite the fact that Dean trusted this guy and he had proven trustworthy so many times over, I was still hesitant. I hadn't known him as long as Dean had since they hadn't found me until close to the end.

"Alright," Dean muttered again, babying his left arm still as he climbed out of the hole he made. "Hold on, you bastard."

I bit my lip, watching him roll up his left sleeve to reveal his forearm glowing and pulsating red.

"Hold on!" he repeated.

He cut his forearm open with the blade he'd acquired and began the ritual.

"Anima corpori..." he held his arm over the bones in the grave he'd dug up, allowing the glowing liquid to trickle out. "Fuerit corpus... totem resurgent."

There was a flash of bright light, and we both covered our eyes. When it vanished, the bastard Dean had just resurrected walked up behind us.

"Wow. That was fast," Dean commented.

"No thanks to you," the man scoffed. "The hell took you so long?"

"You're welcome."

I swallowed as the man cracked his neck.

"Thought we got past you not trusting me, Eleanor," he noticed my hesitancy.

"Yeah, well, you thought wrong," I replied.

"Everything working?" Dean asked him.

"Good enough."

I looked away as the man opened his mouth, allowing his vampire teeth to descend before letting them detract once more.

"So... what now?" he queried.

"Like we talked about, I guess," Dean shrugged.

"Then this is goodbye."

"Keep your nose clean, Benny. You hear me?"

Benny took a few steps forward and he and Dean shook hands.

"We made it, brother," Benny laughed, pulling Dean into a hug. "I can't believe it."

"You and me both," Dean smiled.

Saints or Sinners | {BOOK 3}Where stories live. Discover now