28| Finding Kevin

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Sam and Dean wore Fed suits and I was in a respectable skirt and blouse with a blazer as we were talking with Kevin's old girlfriend, Channing Ngo, in her dorm room. Her roommate was sitting at a desk using a laptop.

"The last time I saw Kevin was, like, a year ago," Channing informed us.

"When he disappeared?" I asked.

"Mm-hm. He stole his mother's car because he thought he was on a mission from God or something. It was crazy."

"Shut up!" her roommate cried. "My friend Adam- who got addicted to Adderall but got perfs on his SATs, so it was totally worth it- same thing."

"Shut up!" Channing squealed back.

"Serious," the roommate insisted. "Mission from God."

Sam cleared his throat to get Channing's attention again.

"Look, Channing, we know Kevin was here."

"No, he wasn't," Channing shook her head.

"And we understand if you're trying to protect him," Sam continued. "But nobody can protect Kevin better than we can."

"I hate Kevin. I wouldn't protect him."

"I thought you two had a thing," Dean furrowed his brow, confused.

"Yeah, when he was going to Princeton," Channing said like it should have been obvious.

"Wow. Just like that?"

"Yeah," the roommate said.

"Mm-hm," Channing agreed.

Dean and I weren't able to find anything on Kevin that could help us figure out where he might have gone after coming to town, but Sam did some of his tech genius stuff and was able to figure out that Kevin had gone to Iowa. When we got to the location, it ended up being some abandoned church building.

"A church? You sure this is right?" Dean and I chorused, then each made a face.

"Barista at the coffee shop swears he's seen Kevin ducking in here the past few months," Sam informed us.

He tried the door, but it was locked, so he knocked instead.

"Kevin. It's Sam and Dean Winchester and Eleanor Dawson. Open up."

There was no response, and he looked back at me and Dean. I rolled my eyes, shoving him aside and quickly picked the lock.

"I could'a done that," Dean muttered.

I rolled my eyes again, leading the way inside. The second all three of us were past the threshold, we were sprayed in the face by a water gun filled with Borax.

"Stop! Stop! Not Leviathans. It's us!" Dean yelled.

"What the hell happened to you guys?" Kevin cried.

"Cliff notes. Eleanor and I went to Purgatory. Sam hit a dog."

"For real?" Kevin looked impressed as I wiped my face off with my sleeve. "You want some towels?"

We followed him further into the building. Various symbols to keep demons and other stuff away were painted on the floor.

"Who taught you all this?" I asked him.

"I guess... God," Kevin shrugged, handing me a towel and then passing some to Sam and Dean as well.

"God taught you how to trap demons," Sam said incredulously.

"Technically, yeah."

"Wait, wait, hold on. Crowley kidnapped you. I saw that," Sam pointed out. "But then you left a message saying you escaped. How?"

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