90| Cuthbert Sinclair aka Albert Magnus

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While Sam stayed behind with Maddie and Zep, Dean and I went to see what Crowley needed. We waited in his motel room until he got back. When he did, he seemed surprised to find us already in the room.

"Hello, Dean. Eleanor."

"What do you call this?" Dean asked him, kicking the foot of a dead body on the floor.

"Refreshments?" he replied.

"What's in the bag, Crowley?" I glared at him.


"Really? Maybe, I can, uh..."

Grabbing the bag from the demon, I tore it open to reveal a blood bag of AB Negative.

"What, are you knocking over blood banks?"

I grabbed his arm and swung him around as Dean swung a chair around to meet me halfway. Once Crowley was seated, we cuffed him to the arm.

"Come on, guys," he protested.

"Look at you. You're a mess. You know, we were counting on you. You let us down."

"Your slimy followers were counting on you to kill Abaddon, and you let them down."

"The man with the mojo- Captain Evil."

"Oh, it's pathetic," I scoffed.

"What is this? An intervention?" Crowley asked, looking between Dean and I.

"You need to focus, Crowley! Get a grip!" I snarled.

"What, you just gonna let Hell go to hell?" Dean added.

"You don't know what it's like to be human!"

We both just stared at the demon as he closed his eyes for a moment before opening them to continue.

"It's your DNA. It's my addiction, my cross, my burden!"

"Alright, take it easy," I told him.

"I see the darkness of it now, the Anthony Weiner of it," Crowley rambled. "It makes you needy. I needed her. Lola used me. She reported everything I did back to Abaddon."

"Crowley... did you tell her about the First Blade?" Dean demanded.

"I don't know. Things get a trifle blurry when I'm medicated."

"Great. If he told Lola, she definitely told Abaddon."

"Which means that Abaddon's in the hunt for this thing, too. Alright, you know what? This crap ends now. You're cut off. Okay? Kicking it. Cold turkey."

We got Crowley back to the Bunker and chained back up in the dungeon while he detoxed. He told Sam what happened when he went to sweep the Mariana Trench for the Blade, and after going to investigate the last known location, we learned that someone using the Men of Letters' alias 'Albert Magnus' had bought it. After quizzing Crowley about it, we found a file about one Cuthbert Sinclair who was kicked out of the Men of Letters because they thought his ideas were 'eccentric' and 'irresponsible'. 

He was kicked out early enough that he missed the massacre. Crowley had heard someone was out, however his demons couldn't find him. We got him to take us to the place they tracked Sinclair to, which appeared to be an empty clearing in the woods.

"So, this is where your demons tracked him to?" Dean looked around the clearing.

"Exact spot," Crowley confirmed. "My boys never could find him. I'm sensing nothing, so if he's here, he's warded to the gills."

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