93| Metadouche is God

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I entered the filthy restroom in the abandoned warehouse, setting my cell down on the sink and splashing water on my face. Staring in the mirror, I studied the Mark of Cain, raised and deep red on my pale arm. Then I looked at angel blade glinting ever-so-slightly in the crappy light in the room. Keeping a firm grip on the handle, I stalked back out of the bathroom toward Gadreel, one hand covering the Mark on my arm.

Even with everything in me telling me to kill him, including the angel himself, instead, I knocked him out and left him in a bloody mess on the floor. I leaned against the wall, right hand covered in blood as I continued to hold my left hand over the Mark. I fought the urge to get up and end Gadreel as the familiar sound of the Impala outside met my ears. Sam and Dean rushed in, freaking out when they saw Gadreel's empty, overturned chair covered in blood.

They turned, spotting me by the wall and Dean rushed over to me.

"Ellie. Hey! Are... are you okay?"

I blinked up at him, nodding.

"Yeah. Yeah, you got to stop asking me that."

"I've been calling you. I mean, w-why didn't you, uh..."

Dean trailed off as he noticed Gadreel's bloody, unconscious body on the floor.

"He wouldn't talk," I muttered.

"We figured," Sam piped up.

I looked desperately between the two brothers, needing them to understand.

"He wanted to die, and I was gonna kill him. I was. But then I stopped 'cause I know we need him to talk."

"Ellie, listen," Dean said. "Metatron has Cass. He's offering up a trade."

"We can't trust Metatron."

"I-I know that, obviously. But look, for the first time we're gonna know for sure where Metatron is. Let's take Gadreel to the meet-up, make the exchange, and then trap him."

Metatron was late to the meet-up and then when he did show, he blew out the holy fire trap we'd set for him and then took Gadreel with him, leaving Cass behind.

"Somebody want to tell me what the hell's going on here?" I demanded.

"Metatron is trying to play God," Cass replied.

"Play God?" Dean scoffed. "Cass, he erased angel warding. He friggin' blew out holy fire. He is God. He's powering up with the angel tablet. How the hell are supposed to stop this guy?"

"Alright, so what if there is a stairway to Heaven?" Sam suggested. "We find it and get the drop on the guy."

"You want to sneak into the Death Star, take out the emperor?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Okay, I... I'm not sure what a fictional battle station in space has to do with this, but if taking out the emperor means taking out Metatron, I'm on board."

We all stared at Cass dumbstruck for a minute.

"Wait, did you... did you just understand a Death Star reference?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, I think so. But I don't understand what it has to do with Heaven."

"It's halfway, I guess," Sam shrugged.

"You sure you're alright?" I asked the angel.

"Yes. Are you? There's something different about you."

"I'm fine," I assured him, patting his shoulder.

Before I could pull away, Cass had grabbed my arm and pushed my sleeve up to reveal the Mark.

"What have you done?" he asked, eyes darkening.

"It's a means to an end," I snapped, yanking my hand back.

Sam and Dean were eyeing us warily as Cass continued glaring darkly at me.

"Damn it, Eleanor."

"Look, you find Heaven, drop a dime. Meantime, I got a Knight to kill."

I stomped over to the Impala, wrenching the door open and climbing into the back. I glared through the window as Cass exchanged a few last words with Sam and Dean before the brothers slipped into the front seat.

Our next cases were nothing special. The first one dealt with vampires who had been keeping a girl captive to get them meals. We ended up sending her to live with Jody. After that, Castiel called us for help because apparently he had a following of angels and they'd managed to capture another one who worked for Metadouche. We learned that Metadouche was creating an 'elite secret squad' and was moving the portal to Heaven around.

While we were at the command center, Crowley finally called me.

"It's about time. Where the hell have you been?"

"I told you I'd be in touch when I'd found Abaddon. Well... I'm in touch."

"Where are you?"

"First things first. I'll give you the location of the First Blade. You three go fetch it, I'll keep her in my sights, then we'll remove her from the payroll for good."

After hanging up with Crowley, I went and found Sam and Dean and relayed the message. So, we found ourselves in a cemetery where Crowley had hidden the First Blade in a corpse. After a brief stint where we had to call Crowley and make him stop his hellhound from attacking us, we retrieved the Blade. I called Crowley once we were in the car.

"Puppy. I hope you were nice to your father."

"What?" I asked confused. "Shut up. Look, we got the Blade."

"You do? Well, you need to get it here at once. Cleveland, Humboldt Hotel. Penthouse, of course. When you get here, I'll take you to Abaddon. I'll draw her out, and then you can skewer the ignorant hag."

"Alright, we're on our way."

"Oh, and Eleanor, you need to get a move on. It's a good days drive from Poughkeepsie."

"What are you talking about? We're not even near there."

Sam and Dean both gave me questioning looks, but I shook my head is dismissal as Crowley spoke again.

"Yeah, like I said, you need to leave Poughkeepsie right away."

I hung up and the brothers stared at me expectantly.

"Cleveland, Humboldt Hotel," I informed them.

"So, we're good?" Dean asked.

"Yeah," I confirmed.

When we got to hotel, I stopped Sam and Dean before we went in.

"Wait, wait, wait. Hold on a sec. We should give the place a once over before we go up there. Crowley said he thought he saw some demons headed down to the basement. He'd have checked it out himself, but if word got back to Abaddon that he'd been seen..."

"When did he say all this?" Sam asked.

"On the phone.  Look, it might mean that she knows that he's here, okay? So why don't you two check out the basement. I'll, uh, take a look on the main floor."

I took the First Blade from Dean and we separated.

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