"I can't forget those times, I'd use his tie to drag him closer to me or we'd hold hands or bicker and people would be staring at us" Laila says and starts laughing
"People never gave that rumor a rest well until all these little scandals started" Alyssa scowls

"Laila,just so you know I didn't believe those posters and stuff. It's kinda shameful when people try to bring others down, you're an exemplary person" David says to her and I give him a grateful nod.

"It's nice to know,you don't think badly of me" Laila says to David

"Me and Angel will always have a thing for each other. The kind of thing that involves lifelong friendships and keeping the other person safe" she says the last part quickly when everyone stares at her

"Jealousy isn't a nice look on you bro" Tyler says to me
"Yeah I'm trying to stop it but look at Laila. She's amazing " I say in response
"Agreed" Marilyn says and Laila giggles

"I thought it's been established that if there's anyone else like you out there,he has to be a counterfeit and you know that. No guy chases after a girl who keeps brushing him off during her post break-up period,they all just avoid her and leave her to it" Laila says.

"Post break-up period?" David asks in confusion
"Yes, Laila has dated someone before. Its shocking we know,  the school's queen doing that sounds weird." Tatiana retorts
"He didn't attend Lexington right?" David further asks
"I've got my head screwed on right, no offense boys" Laila says
"None taken" David replies

"Come with me"  Laila says to me
"Where?" I ask
"Woods Industries" she answers
"I'm going to see Landon today,he doesn't come home anymore" she tells me with a frown

"I'll come with you" I answer at last.
The bell rings and we all leave our respective classes but Laila doesn't leave before giving me a hug. Is it too late for me to tell her not to leave yet? Yeah it is because she's already made it down the hallway and disappeared.

Calculus is a drag today. The teacher is boring me so much that I feel like sleeping in the middle of class. I hardly sleep at school, that is to tell you how bored I am. The bell finally rings and I sigh in relief.

"Are we taking separate cars?" I ask Laila as she approaches me
"Well I hate troubling Matthew or Sean so yes we are taking separate cars" she replies before running off to say goodbye to the girls.

"You know where the company is right?"she asks me
"Yes" I answer
"Just follow closely behind me,random people don't get parking space in the company's official space" she says

We get into our respective cars and she takes the lead. The security personnel let us through after they see her face and they greet her, she responds with a curt nod.

Upon getting down from the car, Laila removes her ring and places it on my left index finger. She unbuttons the first two buttons on her shirt and brings out a necklace I've never seen before.

"What's the necklace for?" I ask
"It has a tracker placed in it and I've given Sean the controls. No one knows about it except you of course." She replies
"Why would you place a tracker on you?"
"For security reasons,if something happens to me then Sean will find me" she says with a shrug and tucks the necklace back inside her shirt.

Immediately we walk in people begin greeting Laila and she responds to everyone of them. She walks to the receptionists desk and converses with her.
"Are Landon and my father in?" She asks
"Yes but your father is in a meeting but he will be out in about ten minutes" the receptionist answers
"Thank you,I'll be heading up now" Laila says to her

She leads me to the elevators and shoves us inside one,she presses a button and we're ascending. The scrunchie which was holding her hair is gone,her hair falls down to her mid back and it's straight.

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