Chapter 14

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*Picture of Laila's dress above*

Laila's POV
After I fainted on Saturday,no one will let me do anything whether it's at home or at school. Maria won't let me work or leave my bed,she won't let me come down for meals and she keeps asking whether I'm okay or not.

William brings me lunch everyday and doesn't let me drive anywhere at least with the support of my parents. Matthew has done a lot since Sunday,it's safe to say he has driven me everywhere I needed to go.

I woke up this morning with a smile on my face maybe because today is my birthday. Usually,I'm never excited to celebrate it but this year feels different,I think it has something to do with my date later today and that makes me giggle cause it's like I'm on cloud nine or something.

I'm currently wearing some laid back clothes and preparing my own breakfast. It's five am and I am doing pretty well on my own until Maria comes in and scares me making me drop the butter knife creating a mess in the kitchen.

"Good morning Maria" I greet sheepishly
"It is a good morning indeed,Laila. I thought I forbade you from doing anything till further notice" Maria says

"Yes but I had to" I admit guiltily

"Happy Birthday my sweet girl" She says and embraces me,her embrace is nothing short of motherly.

"Thank you,Maria"

"What would you like to have for breakfast?"

"Some toast and my flask of ice tea is fine"

"You're sure?" She asks me

"I'll be fine,Maria"

"You should really add some sort of protein to your breakfast"

"I'll worry about that later,look at me I'm 5 ft 9. I'm okay"

"If you say so. You should take a shower now,you stink" She says and wrinkles her nose.

"If you say so dear Maria" I say with a smile

"Yes I say so, now go!" She exclaims

I leave the kitchen and head back to my room to shower and get ready for school. I take a shower and wear my uniform and maybe I look a little different but hey! Who will notice?

My bag is sitting in a corner waiting to receive some attention,I stuff my notes in it and a textbook along with some other necessary items stationary included. I go back into my walk in closet and take my shoes,a white scrunchie and my smart watch although I'm still wearing the necklace with a tracker in it. My duffel bag contains a white chiffon shirt,a black pantsuit and a pair of black heels so I take both bags downstairs.

"What took you so long?" Maria asks when I reach the table

"I was preparing some things for today"

"Elaborate!" She exclaims exasperated

"I've a meeting by 1pm. So I'll leave school during lunch" I say and she sighs

"Got a permit?"

"Not yet anyway"

"Do you think you'd be able to get it done before 1pm?"

"Let's say I can get it done on time" I say and pick my phone up to dial a number. The person on the other side of the line picks on the third ring .

"Is there a reason why you called me?" Louise asks me sounding a little frustrated, I knew I must have interrupted her sleep or her time with her husband. Louise really loves the man.

"Yes,there is in fact"

"What is it?" She almost growled at me

"Am I interrupting something?"

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