Palm Readings & Feasts-Ron Has Boy Crush

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Hermione held Snappy in the air as she stood on the Gryffindor table.
"Alright students, I think we should sing the school song. You will find lyrics under your plates." Everyone rustled their papers before starting. She could see the teacher's confusion and hid her grin.
"We love Snappy, yes we do! We love Snappy so you should too! He's the best, nothing can compare so throw your hands up in the air!" It went on for another five minutes before everyone cheered for their new mascot. Ron had knitted him a little sweater with the Hogwarts crest on it and the other children were eating it up. She would have to compliment him on his talent again.
"Ahem, what a nice little song. I would like to announce the winner of the House Cup." The Headmaster said importantly and she rolled her eyes. The old man couldn't stand to share the attention. He was just like Lockhart, maybe they were related.
"In the lead, we have Hufflepuff!" Professor Dumbledore continued and the decorations turned yellow and black. Everyone cheered for the badger House.
"Well done, my precious boy! Daddy is so proud of you." Mr. Malfoy called out from his chair as he blew his nose.
"Well I'm even prouder of you, darling! You and your House have done an excellent job this year." Draco shouted from his spot at the Slytherin table. Tonks had kidnapped Harry again and she gave Draco a smug look from Harry's side.
"I hope everyone will enjoy their meal. Just a reminder that the Sorting Hat is still missing and the reward is now 200 points and two get out of detention vouchers!" She was ninety percent sure Harry had something to do with the Hat's disappearance but it wasn't any of her business.
"Here, Herm! We made you a plate of all of your favorite foods!" Fred said before George continued "Yeah! We noticed how you didn't eat a lot during exams last week so we figured you must be starving." She flushed and took the plate.
"Thank you. I am hungry." They watched her as she ate and she couldn't help the butterflies in her stomach. It was very flattering that they knew her well enough to pick out her favorite things on the table. She thought of her talk with Harry and Neville before coming to a decision.
"Would you like to take a walk with me after dinner?" She was a Gryffindor, wasn't she?


Draco shoved Tonks as they raced down the hall.
"You better run faster, Cousin. Harry will be sitting on my lap the whole train ride home!" Tonks taunted him and his eyes flashed in anger.
"Well I'll sell Diggory to Moaning Myrtle!" They rounded the corner and both stopped when they caught sight of Harry talking to Cho Chang. Draco saw red when she saw the girl reach his beloved's palm. He was all about supporting women, his mother raising him right but he couldn't stand other people flirting with his darling.
"Ugh Cho Chang! She tried to date Cedric last year and I can't tell if she hates me or wants to join us!" Tonks complained as they walked closer.
"Oh my, Harry! Your love line is really long! Whoever you end up marrying will be lucky." Draco wrapped himself around his husband and declared "Thank you, Chang. I'm glad you can recognize that our bonding is blessed by fate." The girl just gave him a half smile, her eyes drifting past him to land on Tonks.
"Oh hello Tonks! I'm glad to see that your arm has healed. It was a shame I wasn't able to sign your cast. Did you pass your History exam? Cedric helped me study for it." Draco left his Cousin to deal with the Ravenclaw seeker and dragged Harry away.
"Please tell me you didn't pay her, darling." Harry just grinned and said "I gave her a forty percent tip!" His sweetheart was so kind by helping out the needy.
"Let's go find a good compartment." Harry said and he followed along.
"Where's Snappy?" He was surprised to see Harry's baby carrier missing and was worried something had happened to their little boy.
"Ron has him. He seemed rather down about something so Snappy said he'd cheer him up." Harry said softly and Draco rolled his eyes. Ron would get over Krum. He was sure once Fleur heard about his infatuation she would march to Durmstang to challenge him to a duel. It was obvious that she liked the red headed boy. They found an empty compartment and Harry flopped down on his lap.
"I can't believe second year is already over! Cedric and Tonks said there's a super secret initiation third years go through in Hufflepuff."
"Flint told me I might have to be a part of the buddy system." He said distastefully. It wasn't his fault Slytherin didn't have enough students to volunteer! He didn't want to babysit a first year when he could be snogging Harry in some dark corner. The door slammed open to reveal Herm and the twins. The twins seemed starstruck as Herm sat down and buried her head in an enormous book.
"Hermione kissed the twins." Harry whispered in his ear. Draco couldn't help his pleased smile. How wonderful! They could all go on double dates.
"I think you did a wonderful job, Luna!" Ginny said as she and Luna sat on the floor. Her hair was in an elaborate braid with flowers twined around it.
"Thank you, Ginny. I'm pretty sure I saw Daphne Greengrass ogling at you."
"All I'm saying is he looks cute!" Ron came in carrying Snappy with Cedric right behind him.
"And all I'm saying is that red would look better with his skin tone!" Ron gave him a dirty look.
"He would look like a slag with red nails and no godson of mine is going to look tacky!" Draco looked at Snappy's feet and saw that someone had painted his nails a light blue color. How pretty. He snatched his darling boy out of Ron's hands and cooed "did you have fun, baby? Daddy missed you and so did mama. I have a little treat for you!" He pulled out a fish plush and gave it to him, watching as he rolled around with it.
"Draco! I can't believe you left me with her." Cousin Tonks hissed as she stomped in the compartment.
"I almost missed the train because she wanted to know how I kept my skin so shiny! I can't tell if she's making fun of my greasy t zone or not!" The girl huffed and pulled Diggory on to her lap. The train gave a sharp whistle before pulling away from the school.
"Let's make this the best summer yet!" Harry shouted and the whole compartment cheered.

Fanboy Draco Malfoy Convinces Harry Potter to Marry Him!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz