Chapter 34

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After the boys cleaned up their mess, Chan connected his phone to the bluetooth speaker to play music, then pulled out a small box from behind the couch. He took a seat on the black sofa, focusing on his own little thing while Felix watched.

Chan remained quiet, which struck a small nerve in Felix, but he didn't say anything and sat on the other couch.

The box contained the same type of stuff Chan was smoking a while back that one day during their tutoring session. Felix sat quietly while he watched the brunette roll a blunt with ease, lighting it and taking a hit quickly. He let out a few small coughs before relaxing back into the couch. Felix couldn't help but find it hot, he wasn't sure why.

The same curiosity he had the first time he saw Chan do it, only came back stronger this time. His parents were no longer a factor into why he couldn't give it a try, so it was more than tempting. Chan didn't say anything, gesturing the bud towards Felix's direction. Felix hesitantly took it, growing nauseous from the smell.

"How do I- do this?" Felix asked, feeling more nervous about this than what he did not even 20 minutes ago with Chan. Chan let out a husky laugh, causing Felix to blush nervously.

"You just suck in and inhale. You'll know if you do it right." Was all the brunette said, watching Felix closely while the blonde did what he was told. His first attempt failed, sucking on the bud, but not inhaling afterwards.

After two more attempts, Chan let out a frustrated sigh. "You're wasting it." He snapped, causing Felix to pout at the harsh tone. He sucked up a brewing year almost immediately, trying not to ruin the moment. Even after their sexual encounter, Chan was still an asshole. The brunette took the bud from Felix's hold, demonstrating step by step how to properly do it.

He then handed it back once again, waiting patiently for Felix to give it another try. This fourth try was successful, his lungs burned while he grew into a fit of coughing. He cringed at the taste and feeling. He couldn't understand why Chan would possibly want to do something like this. What was the point?

Chan's usual Deftones played quietly in the background while they took turns hitting from the blunt. They remained silent, and Felix's distastefulness towards that fact started to fade the more his high started to grow.

The living room was cold and dark, black out curtains that were usually kept open during the day closed. The only light that lit the apartment and kitchen, was a small lamp with an LED light bulb that changed colors. Blue lit up the main part of the apartment while they sat there quietly.

Felix felt his body relax, nerves calming once the weed started to course through his body. He shut his eyes, listening to the music that felt like a whole new experience while under the influence. He slowly started to understand why Chan smoked. It was a whole new and amazing experience.

In this moment, all of his problems had seemingly disappeared. The crippling need to still abide by his parents even after everything, was no longer there even if temporary. It felt just like how it was when he was intimate with Chan. All of his problems seemingly vanished into thin air.

His body felt like a pile of rocks, too relaxed to even think about moving. Chan was already on his 5th hit, not nearly as effected like Felix was. The older man had grown a tolerance over the years. 

"Come here." Chan commanded, making Felix's barely functional senses heighten ever so slightly. The blonde let out a small groan before getting up and slightly stumbling to Chan's couch. The brunette lightly hit his lap, gesturing for Felix to sit on his leg. The blonde immediately did what he was told, a small goofy smile on his face while he did so.

"Look at me." Chan commanded once more, Felix obliging immediately. Even in his relaxed state, Chan still made Felix nervous, he still made his heart hurt and cheeks flush. He watched Chan take another hit from the nearly fully smoked blunt, before pressing his thumb into Felix's plush bottom lip.

He locked eyes with the flustered blonde, who's cheeks were a fiery red at this point. He pulled Felix into a kiss, shotgunning the smoke into the blonde's mouth. Felix couldn't help but let out a moan the second it happened, pulling away while the smoke left his nostrils.

Felix couldn't help the immediate arousal that coursed through his body just from that simple action, feeling his confidence slowly grow when Chan passed him the blunt to get the last hit from it. The blonde pushed Chan back onto the couch, straddling him while he took the last hit, finally getting the hang of it after some time.

He breathed in, pressing his lips onto Chan's before breathing out. The older boy couldn't help but smirk, pulling Felix into yet another passionate kiss for the day. At this point both men where hard again, grinding on each other while they made out.

"You learn so well." Chan moaned, causing Felix to whimper softly in response. Chan's hands grabbed onto Felix's soft ass, squeezing tightly to elicit a sharp moan from the blonde.

Felix lazily rocked his hips back and fourth, hard member pressing against Chan's in the most perfect way. This feeling would never get old. How possibly could it?

"Look at you." Chan groaned, licking his lips at the sight of a wrecked and high Felix. The blonde's eyes were partially open, exposing the barely noticeable red and glassy orbs full of lust. Chan's hands moved up to Felix's waist, moving the blonde of his own accord at this point.

Felix's heart couldn't help but skip a beat when Chan did this, the warmth of his hands bringing him a huge sense of comfort. Felix's back arched naturally while he kept grinding onto Chan, moaning at the sight of the brunette underneath him.

After just a few minutes, both boys felt their orgasms grow, cumming for the second time that day. Felix fell limp onto Chan's body, nestling into the crook of his neck while he passed out. The older boy naturally leaned his head against Felix's and couldn't help but follow suit, falling asleep shortly after.



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