Chapter 30

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"Felix?!" His mother gasped, covering her mouth while her eyes skimmed up and down her son who looked completely different. 

"W-What has happened to you?!" She dramatically cried out, making him feel guilty for all of his choices as of recent. The look on their faces was new, a look Felix never expected to see from them. It genuinely pained him, more than he expected it to. He knew that eventually this would happen, he was actually surprised it took them this long to say anything. 

Felix couldn't help but look down in shame. "I-I'm sorry..." He quietly spoke, embarrassed that Ms. Kang was watching the scene unfold quietly. "Who have you been hanging around?" His dad asked, voice stern and laced with disappointment. 

"D-does that matter?" Felix asked, voice small out of fear. 

"Boy!" Felix's dad shouted, raising his hand quickly to hit him out of anger. The blonde closed his eyes tightly. "I am sorry, but if you're going to do that I cannot let you on campus sir!" Ms. Kang quickly interjected in an attempt to stop the man from doing something stupid. 

Felix started crying hysterically, shocked that his father would even do such a thing to him. Maybe Chan was right, they only wanted a show pig for a son who listened and obeyed their every command. It pained him to get treated like this simply for wanting just an ounce of freedom from their years of abuse. 

"You're right. I apologize." His father spoke, quickly tucking his hands into his dress pants. 

Felix hugged himself while he sat in one of the chairs in the office, trying to keep his crying to a minimum. "You will not disrespect your father like that." His mom snapped, causing Felix to cry even more. He never got treated like this by his parents. He spent years being their perfect little boy just to please them and to avoid getting yelled at. 

"Where have you been? You ran away from us, why?!" The older woman cried out, desperate to get answers. Felix couldn't bring himself to speak, too afraid of facing them and the consequences. 

"You look like the product of Satan, wearing all this black! What the hell happened to you?" His dad said, causing Felix to cry even more. 

"I don't think talking to him like that is necessary." Ms. Kang said, warning the man once more of his hurtful actions, yet it did nothing to stop the parents from ganging up on their son. The sound of Felix's phone going off filled the split second of silence, causing them both to gasp. 

"Is that a phone?! Who's been buying you all this stuff?" His mom asked. 

"You aren't slutting yourself out are you? Sinning just to have nice things?" His dad accused, causing Felix to gasp loudly. How could they think of him like that? 

"Of course not!" He quickly said, bewildered by such an accusation. 

"Don't be disrespectful and talk back! It's a sin!" His mom warned.

"You're coming home with us, and when you do you're spending all night reading the bible." She sternly spoke, striking a sense of fear into the blonde boy.

"You clearly need to rekindle your relationship with God." She snapped. Part of him thought maybe it wouldn't be too bad. Maybe going back to living the life he had previously would save him from all his current problems now. His parents wouldn't be disappointed, neither would God, and the bullying would probably come to an end. 

"O-okay..." Felix softly said, feeling defeated beyond repair. He was getting punished for his sins. This was what God wants for him, and he must respect God's will and not fight it. His parents spent years drilling that into his head. He had his taste of freedom, now it's back to reality. 

"Felix, do you want this?" The counselor asked, look of worry on her face. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to. You're 18 remember?" 

"Don't you think his mind is corrupted enough? Stop feeding him bs." Mr. Lee snapped, taking the woman aback by the disrespect. Felix knew that she only had his best interests in mind. He felt bad for how his dad was talking to the kind woman. 

He decided to not fight it, surely nothing too bad would happen to him right? It's not like he wouldn't ever be able to see Chan anymore, so it couldn't be that bad right? 

"Y-yes..." He muttered while his parents happily smirked to themselves. 

"You'll always be our boy." They both said in unison, gaining a sick sense of pride when their son submitted to them. 

"You can always come to my office to talk if you ever needed." Ms. Kang said, voice laced with a hint of sadness. She felt bad for Felix and could see the very clear neglect that he had been enduring for years. There unfortunately wasn't much to be done given Felix is 18 now. He can make his own choices.

"That won't be necessary." Mrs. Lee spoke, catching Felix off guard. "He won't be attending this school anymore, we are unenrolling him today."

"W-what?!" Felix cried out, earning a harsh glare from his father. 

"You will be going to an all boys Christian school and will be spending all your time reconnecting with God to help cleanse you of your sins." At this point, Felix could feel his heart pounding loudly in his chest. The room started feeling like it was enclosing on him. Tears fell while he tried to keep his composure. 

If he went to an all boys Christian school, he would never be able to see Chan again. The thought of that for some reason sounded much worse than getting punished by God for his sins. He spared one look at his counselor, then his parents before muttering a very soft "I'm sorry". 

He ran out of the office and out of the double doors of the school. His tears fell rapidly while he raced off of school campus. He was running simply because it felt like the right thing to do for the moment. The thought of going back to living with his parents wasn't ideal, but definitely something he could live with. The thought of losing Chan was something he just couldn't live with. He didn't quite understand why and he wasn't ready to. 

All he knew was that running was the best option for him, so that is exactly what he did. 

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