Chapter 16

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Felix sat there quietly, head resting on his desk while waiting for Hyunjin to walk into first period. It was the following morning, and it was safe to say he hadn't gotten any sleep. He kept tossing and turning, him and Chan's conversation replaying in his mind constantly.

"Wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" Hyunjin asked, taking his seat behind the blonde.

"Unfortunately." Felix groaned, turning his body to be met with the taller blonde. He couldn't help but lock eyes with Chan, shocked he had gotten to class early today. He must've walked in while his head was down. The brunette's eyes locked with his, face void of emotion like usual.

"What happened? You look awful." Hyunjin questioned, taking out a Poptart for Felix, his favorites in the morning.

"Thank you, Hyunnie. It's a lot to explain." The blonde sighed, unwrapping the food his best friend bought him. As much as he wanted to explain to Hyunjin why he was upset, he didn't want Chan to overhear.

"I'll tell you at lunch." He said, forcing out a small smile. He felt exhausted, tired eyes glancing to and from both Hyunjin and Chan.

"How are you and Sir Emo?" The blonde asked, voice barely above a whisper.

"It's... hard to say." Felix said, biting his lip nervously. It was true that it was hard to say, Chan asked him to do something other than studying, which was obvious progress, but the little scene that happened afterwards was far from progress. He wasn't quite sure how things were between them.

Chan didn't particularly seem upset after the incident. In fact, he didn't seem phased at all, which Felix could guess was a good thing. Felix himself wasn't really upset at Chan, but more his parents if anything. He had been okay with living his life the way it is for far too long. He's missed out on so much. Chan made that painfully clear.

"Well I'm assuming it's good, because he keeps looking at you." Hyunjin whispered. Felix couldn't help but blush, a small smile forming onto his features.

"R-really?" He giggled, completely forgetting about yesterday's events. Even though Chan was an ass, that wouldn't ever stop Felix from wanting the brunette's attention.

"Are you sure you don't have a crush on him? You're blushing like a school girl." Hyunjin joked.

"N-not one bit!" Felix said in defense. Chan was simply just somebody Felix really looked up to is all. There was totally nothing more to that.

"Sure." Hyunjin said, truly doubtful of Felix's words.

"You already know I don't like guys like that." The small blonde pointed out, trying to defend himself further.

"If you say so-" His best friend's words were cut off the second Jeongin walked in. "H-hey!" He awkwardly waved, cute smile on his face. Felix took this chance to finally look at Chan once more, something he had been itching to do during his conversation with Hyunjin.

He pouted when he noticed the brunette wasn't looking at him. Instead, he was writing on a piece of paper. Felix couldn't help but wonder what he was writing. It wasn't like Chan was actually writing down notes, he hated doing such things.

He watched the brunette scribble down words, crumbling the paper up into a ball. His heart skipped a beat when they locked eyes, face suddenly heating up. This was the most attention Chan has ever given him, and he definitely couldn't complain.

He watched the brunette throw the little ball of paper at him. The ball of paper bounced off his head, landing next to his feet. Felix couldn't help the scowl that decorated his features. Why would Chan throw a note to him? He picked up the wad of paper, undoing the wad to read the words written in black ink.

'Meet me at our usual spot after school. We are hanging out.'

Felix couldn't help the excitement that he felt. Chan asked him to hang out first! He smiled happily, putting the wad of paper into his bookbag. He wasn't sure why he was saving the note, he just couldn't bring himself to throw it away.

"What was that about?" Hyunjin asked once him and Jeongin stopped talking.

"N-nothing!" The blonde quickly said, cheeks growing redder at the question.

"Didn't seem like nothing to me." Hyunjin giggled, eyebrows wiggling suggestively.

"He asked me to hang out!" The blonde whispered, smile plastered onto his face.

"Really?!" He shouted out loud, bringing attention to them both. Felix quickly slapped a hand over Hyunjin's mouth, embarrassed to see that Chan was looking at them both.

"Shut it!" Felix whisper shouted, cringing when Hyunjin licked his hand in order to move it away.

"You're disgusting!" Felix scoffed, wiping his hand on the tall blonde's shoulder. He let out a sigh before speaking again.

"Yes... He asked me to hang out." The blonde said, unsure if the words that fell from his lips were actually true. He would've never imagined a guy like Bang Chan willingly wanting to hang out with him.

"That's really good! You guys are gonna be friends in no time!" Hyunjin happily said, a big smile on his face.

Felix couldn't help but smile too, excited for the possibilities the future held. This just opened up an even bigger door for him.

He wanted to be Chan's friend so badly, mainly because the brunette could show him everything he's missed out on. That was the main reason why he wanted to be Chan's friend so badly. That and the fact that he was super fucking cool.

Even though he feared what would happen if he continued to get close with Chan, he was willing to take the risk. Even if his parents found out, and even if Jisung ended up snitching on him if he ever got caught.

He wanted to slowly break free from the hold he has had on his life for the last 18 years. All he had to do was play his cards right, and hopefully he would have an amazing future with somebody like Chan by his side.

TWO UPDATES? oml who is she?

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