Chapter 29

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Hyunjin frowned when he saw the blonde walk into class, eyes red and puffy. 

"I have been texting you all morning and night. Why the hell didn't you answer?" The taller blonde scoffed. "Please tell me you got good rest last night." His worried best friend asked.  Felix only sighed, putting his head down once he took his seat, resting his face in the crook of his arm. He inhaled deeply, the scent of Chan's cologne making him feel a bit better. 

"I did thanks to all the crying I did. It really knocked me out." Felix softly spoke, happy that not many people were paying attention to him during first period. "Please answer me when I text you! You really had me worried." The taller blonde scolded. 

Felix smiled at Hyunjin's care towards him, nodding softly while checking his phone. It felt nice knowing he had people who cared about him. He frowned, noticing Chan had sent him a text message. 

Chan :) - Be there around 3 to pick you up. Don't keep me waiting. 

Felix did nothing but love the message, setting down his phone to lock eyes with Hyunjin. "How was your little date with Jeongin?" Felix asked, remembering how they went out together yesterday. 

"That's another reason why I was blowing your phone up! Me and him kissed last night!" Hyunjin squealed, causing students to send him dirty glares. The tall blonde could care less though, giggling even more when said boy walked into class. 

"Good morning Jinnie." Jeongin giggled, winking at him while walking to his desk. Hyunjin greeted him back, massive blush decorating his cheeks while he did so. "Are you guys dating yet?!" Felix whisper shouted, excited for his best friend's progress. 

"Not quite yet. He said he wants to give it a bit more time before making it official." Hyunjin responded, sending occasional glances at Jeongin. Felix could swear his eyes were forming hearts while he did so. "I'm really happy things are working out with you guys." Felix happily said, though he couldn't help the small frown on his features when he noticed Chan's empty desk. For some reason he really missed his presence. 

"Enough about me though. Please tell me if you've been okay. Did anything happen at all?" Hyunjin questioned, noticing the troubled look on Felix's features. Felix wanted to tell him about how Chan had pinned him to a wall yesterday, but for some reason he decided not to. 

"Everything has been okay." Felix lied, things were quite far from fine. He wanted to tell Hyunjin everything going on, but for some reason felt like a burden if he did so. "Minho didn't say anything to you this morning?" Hyunjin question, a look of confusion on his face. Felix stuttered on his next few words, trying his best to make himself seem believable. Hyunjin was onto him. 

"No." He confidently said, only to receive a light slap to the head. "You lying bitch! Jeongin texted me this morning and told me he heard what Minho had said to you!" Hyunjin said, frown decorating his features once more. 

"O-ow!" Felix pouted, rubbing gently at the stinging area. Felix looked down quietly, letting out a small sigh. "He called me a whore." Felix softly said, the familiar stinging of his eyes causing a singular tear to fall. "I'm waiting for you from now on in the mornings." Hyunjin said, pulling out a snack cake to hopefully help Felix feel better. 

"T-thanks..." Felix said, taking the cake and putting it into his bag for later. They fell quiet while the first period of the day had begun. Felix tried his hardest to focus on his schoolwork, but for some reason just couldn't. He felt extremely unmotivated and his mind was running like crazy. All he has been able to think of this past day was the new rumor that was spreading thanks to Minho, Chan and all of his actions and past lovers, and the fact that his life changed so much in such a short time period. 

He lazily rested his head in the palm of his hand, scribbling away in his notebook while he stared blankly at the paper. This was extremely unusual for him. His studies had always been the most important thing to him. He never drifted off in class, let alone willingly not pay attention. 

First period felt like forever, and he was dreading second period even more. Not only would he be dealing with the harassment of Minho, but Jisung as well. He wasn't really looking forward to getting doubled teamed in the next 30 minutes. 

Right before the end of class, the intercom rang, causing Felix to sit up. "Hello, Mrs. Gwan?" a male voice called out, causing her to stop her lesson. "Yes?" She sweetly called out to the intercom. 

"Do you have Lee Felix in your class today?" He asked, causing all students to look at him. The blonde shifted uncomfortably in his seat, hating the attention he was receiving. He felt his heart rate pick up. Why was he getting asked for? Did he do something wrong? 

"Yes I do." She said upon locking eyes with Felix. 

"Can you send him to the front office with his things please?" The older male voice asked. 

"Will do!" She said, smiling softly at Felix once the intercom went off. 

Felix nervously packed away all his belongings, eyes glancing at the students who were watching him like hawks. Felix spared Hyunjin a small glace, a hint of worry locked onto his best friend's features. 

"Text me!" Hyunjin whisper shouted, watching his best friend walk out of the classroom. 

Felix nervously nibbled at the dry skin on his lips, navigating his way to the front office and taking a seat. His foot tapped nervously, anxiety settling deep in the pit of his stomach. He felt sick. This way the first time in his life he has ever gotten called to the front office. He didn't know what it meant, but normally it's never a good thing. 

Did Minho say or do something to get him in trouble? Was he getting yelled at for not participating in Mrs. Gwan's class? Did she let the front office know that he was lacking on his studies? 

After 6 minutes of waiting, the school counselor came out with a soft smile. "Felix?" Ms. Kang called out. The blonde nervously nodded, eager to find out what this was about. "Come in please." She softly spoke. Felix obliged, gathering his bookbag and walking into her office. 

His heart dropped to his stomach, eyes locking onto his parents who at first had very worried looks. Once they locked eyes onto him, their faces changed to looks of horror and disappointment.   

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