Chapter 22

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"So this will be your room." Chan said, guiding Felix to an area of the apartment he had yet to see. He followed closely behind the brunette, eyes marveling once he saw the room that was now his. It was a decently sized room with plain  white walls. The furniture and bedding were black, similar to Chan's room.

There wasn't much in the room aside from a queen sized bed and a dresser. There were a few pictures that hung on the walls, black and white art of scenery making the room pop. Black out curtains covered the window in the room, blocking out all forbidden light that tried to enter. Felix appreciated the fact that the room had blackout curtains. He's always wanted them, but his parents refused him such luxuries.

"It's a little bland, but you can do whatever you want to the room in due time." Chan said.

"Get settled." He then added in before disappearing into the living room. Felix let out a sigh he didn't know he had been holding in all this time. This was going to be his life now. It was weird to think how he decided to move in with a somebody he didn't know nearly two months ago so suddenly. So much has already changed in the matter of a day.

The blonde would be lying if he said he didn't feel overwhelmed. He did miss his parents, and he thought of them every single time he got the chance. The blonde sat on the new bed, much bigger than his twin sized bed back at home. He set all of his bags next to him, looking over all the stuff Chan had bought him.

He decided to unpack all the items and put them away neatly to help settle his nerves. He went through all the bags with the clothes he had bought, making his way to the closet in the simplistic bedroom. He smiled when he saw that there were hangers already waiting for use. He hung up all his shirts, organizing them accordingly before folding up all his pants and putting them in the dresser drawers. 

He saved one drawer for regular pants like jeans, and used the others for his socks, underwear, and pajama clothes. He then set the box of new shoes he had gotten on the floor in the closet.

 He kicked off his worn down dress shoes, setting them on top of the box before sitting back down on his bed once more. The only thing he had left to unpack now was all of his toiletries. He shyly walked to the living room, clearing out his throat to catch Chan's attention.

"Where is the bathroom?" Felix asked, clutching onto the grocery store bag in his hand. "It's the room across from yours. That bathroom is also all yours, with the exception of guests by the way." Chan said quickly, going back to typing away on his phone like usual.

"Thank you." Felix said, small smile forming on his delicate features. He made his way to the room to the left of the hall, opening the door to reveal the bathroom. The bathroom was neat, nothing in it aside from blue floor mats and a shower curtain to match.

Felix was surprised the shower curtain wasn't black like everything else in the apartment. He couldn't complain though, he liked the small pop of color that the blue gave the bathroom.  He began rummaging through his bag, taking out all of his new products and putting them in their respectful places. After twenty minutes, he was finally ready to settle down and call it a night.

He had school in the morning, and it had been a very long and exhausting day. The blonde walked out into the living room to see Chan no longer in sight. His eyes skimmed the apartment, the brunette no where to be seen. He could only assume Chan was in his bedroom.

"Chan?" Felix called out, frowning when he didn't hear a response back.

"Chan?!" He called out once more, knocking on the brunette's door. "Yes?!" The brunette finally  screamed back, voice muffled through the thick wood. 

"May I come in?" The blonde questioned, nibbling softly on his lips when he heard no response back. After a few minutes he heard a groan from the other side of the door, the sound of sheets rustling filled the silence that rang in his ears. 

Chan opened the door, brown hair dripping small droplets of water while dark grey sweats hung low on his waist. Felix let out a loud gasp, quickly covering his eyes once he noticed the brunette's upper half was exposed for him to see. 

"I-I'm sorry!" Felix quickly said, heart racing at the sight of Chan's flawless exposed skin. "I-I didn't know you were busy I am sorry!" 

"You can look, it's okay." Chan said, voice coming off a bit different than usual. Felix felt his face heat up, body growing unusually hot from the very thick tension that filled the air. He slowly peeled his hands away from his eyes, chocolate brown orbs locking with Chan's intensely to avoid looking down. 

The urge to look down at the brunette's chest was oddly hard to resist, heart rate slowly increasing with each second they held eye contact. "You don't have to overreact. They're just abs." Chan softly spoke, a small smirk forming on his lips. 

Felix couldn't help but nibble his lips at the sight of a half naked Chan. He's never been exposed to such things before. The only person he has ever seen the bare skin of was none other than himself. He felt dirty, and Chan's piercing gaze wasn't helping much either. 

The brunette's usual cold demeanor had quickly changed into one Felix had yet to see. It made him feel weird, cheeks burning a fiery red color while his breathing became shallow. "I didn't work hard for them to not be stared at." The brunette pointed out, making Felix stumble even more on his next few words. 

"B-but..." He shyly called out, swallowing harshly. 

"Go ahead... You can look." Chan smirked once more, voice low and completely different than usual. The blonde considered his offer for a few seconds. One look couldn't hurt right? Felix slowly peeled his eyes from Chan's, eyes slowly dancing from his prominent collar bones to his exposed nipples. 

His body grew hotter the longer he looked, feeling a small sense of arousal growing the more his eyes lingered. Chan's skin looked so soft and delicate, almost like a porcelain doll. He wanted to touch the older man, curiosity trying to get the best of him the longer they stood there. 

Felix couldn't help but bite his lip a little harder when he stared at Chan's v-line and low hanging sweats. His boxers ever exposed, waistband peeking up from the top of his pants. His eyes traveled lower, locking with the small outline of his member through the thin material. Chan wasn't hard, yet the bulge was still very visible in the sweats he had on. 

A small chuckle fell from Chan's lips while Felix's eyes wondered up and down. It was safe to say he was enjoying this a bit too much, that was evident to Felix. The blonde had never been exposed to anything like this before. He spent his whole life learning about how such things like showing too much skin was a sin, and how getting aroused from such a thing was a sin. Felix's body was reacting against his will. 

He slowly reached out to touch Chan's body, mind acting against his morals. His fingertips burned with the fiery sensation of Chan's hot skin. He let out a small gasp when Chan lightly placed his hand on top of his own, pressing it down on his right peck. His whole body felt like it was on fire. He couldn't help but think about how he wanted more, yet the thoughts that had been drilled into his head for years stopped him before he could go any further. 

"W-well goodnight!" The blonde screamed out loudly, darting out of Chan's room and into his. He sunk down on the carpeted floor, breathing heavily from the encounter. He couldn't help but feel a small sense of guilt cloud his senses... Guilt and also arousal from it all. 



i have been going through the most horrendous shit imaginable. being an adult during these times is so difficult :/ 

other than that i hope you all are well. ily all so much <3 

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