Chapter 24

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"Sir Emo did you good. Holy shit." Hyunjin said, basically salivating at the sight of Felix and his new style. "Did he buy you all these clothes?!" His best friend exclaimed, pinching the thick fabric of Felix's black hoodie.

"Yes." Felix smiled before glancing at Chan like he usual. "He did." The smaller blonde giggled, hiding his face with the sleeve of his hoodie. Hyunjin could only smirk, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"So he bought you some clothes, hmm? Seems like he must really like you in order to be doing all that." Hyunjin jokingly said, causing a small blush to form on Felix's cheeks.

"T-that's not true!" He whisper shouted. "Stop saying weird stuff like that!" Felix cried out, lightly hitting Hyunjin in the shoulder. He didn't know why he got so shy whenever it came to Chan, especially when the topic of his feelings were mentioned too.

"Yeah, sure. You got yourself a Sugar Channie." Hyunjin said, rolling his eyes while smiling.

"S-stop!" Felix cried out loudly at the nickname, thankful Chan didn't hear. "Oh! He also got me a new phone too!" Felix happily said, whipping out the shiny new phone he had gotten yesterday.

"Bitch! Give me that!" He yelled, snatching the phone away from Felix's tight hold.

"You're gonna download Snapchat..." He said, tapping vigorously on the screen.

"Instagram." He said once more, taking a few seconds before speaking again.

"Oh, and best believe you're saving my number too!" The tall blonde exclaimed, typing away happily on the new device. Felix took this chance to glance at who he would like to consider his friend, not just a regular roommate.

Chan was back to being glued onto his phone, a small frown plastered on Felix's face while he watched the brunette type away on the screen. The small amount of attention Chan had started to give him, stopped just as fast as it came. It felt like things had gotten even worse, especially after last night's incident.

Hyunjin handed the phone back to Felix, a massive shit eating grin on his face while he did so.

"Sexiest man you'll ever meet aka Hyunjinnie your bestie for life?" Felix read out loud.

"Yes! It's the perfect contact name!" Hyunjin giggled. "Bless Chan for stealing you from your parents! Now we can actually talk outside of school!" He giggled happily, dialing down his excitement immediately when Jeongin walked into class.

"H-Hey!" Hyunjin called out, voice cracking pathetically in the process. Felix couldn't help but let out a giggle along side Jeongin.

"Hey!" The sweet boy smiled, taking the initiative to walk up to both boys' desk. "New look, Felix?" The young boy asked.

"O-oh! Yes! Do you like it?" Felix shyly blushed, worried that maybe Jeongin wouldn't like the look at all. He was still extremely insecure even after all the confidence boosts he had gotten earlier that morning.

"Hell yes I do! It suits you really well." Jeongin smiled, eyes darting between the two boys. Hyunjin was a puddle at this point, full blown heart eyes for the boy he had been crushing on for the longest time. This was the closest the two had ever gotten, and Hyunjin was going crazy at this point.

"Thank you! It means so much!" Felix brightly smiled, eyes locking onto Hyunjin who was staring like a love sick puppy.

"Of course!" Jeongin smiled, directing his full attention to Hyunjin. "I was actually coming by to ask you a question." Jeongin said, growing noticeably more shy the second Hyunjin locked eyes with him.

"Y-yes?" The blonde choked out, forcing out a creepy smile that could scare almost anybody away.

"I was wondering if you- wanted to get ice cream with me today after school?" The shy younger boy asked, growing shocked by Hyunjin's immediate reaction.

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