Chapter 23

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The alarm to Felix's freshly new iPhone had gone off, signaling it was time for him to wake up for school. The loud blaring scared him awake, nearly causing him to fall off of the side the bed. It felt a bit unusual for him to wake up without the help of his mother's obnoxious screaming every morning, though it wasn't much different from the horrendous alarm on his phone. The only difference was that he could shut the alarm up which was something he was grateful for.

The blonde peeled the covers away, eyes adjusting to the dark room. Normally the sun would be blaring into the blinds of his old bedroom, but that was far from the case at Chan's apartment. Felix had almost forgotten about the fact that he was now living with the brunette. He had also almost forgotten about the incident that happened last night, happily walking into the living room like nothing happened.

Once he locked eyes with a dark figure sitting in the kitchen eating cereal while scrolling through his phone, all the memories from last night came flooding back into his head. He swallowed hard, greeting Chan nervously while walking into the kitchen.

"Good morning." The blonde shyly spoke, standing there awkwardly while Chan mindlessly stared at the phone in his hands. Felix was truly amazed by Chan's ability to spend most of his days on the phone rather than in the moment like a regular person.

"Morning." He blandly said, taking a few bites of his cereal before speaking once more, "There's cereal in that cabinet over there. I don't really know how to cook so that's the best I got." He lazily shrugged. "Bowls are in the cabinet behind you and there's clean spoons in the drain board." He said, pointing in multiple directions.

Felix analyzed Chan heavily, trying his hardest to pick apart the expression that hid emotions so well. Chan was acting completely normal about the whole thing, and for some reason it bothered Felix a little bit. He wanted to ask the older boy what had happened last night, but asking Chan questions was never a good idea. He hated being questioned.

The blonde made himself a bowl of cereal, pouring the milk first like some uncultured swine. In his defense though he didn't really know any better. He wasn't allowed to eat such foods normally. He sat down at the kitchen table, silently munching down the surprisingly delicious breakfast food in silence.

While Chan was acting like nothing had happened, Felix couldn't help the thoughts that kept dancing around his head. He's never gotten that close to anybody in his whole 18 years of existence. Chan acted as if it wasn't that big of a deal, like stuff like that happened regularly for him. It made Felix feel a bit sick. It was clear Chan was much more experienced in that category than Felix was, which for some reason left a sour taste in his mouth.

He couldn't get the memories of last night out of his head, staring blankly at Chan while he ate his cereal. Felix felt a sense of guilt, an immense sense of guilt that made him feel sick. He tossed and turned all night, replaying last night in his head on repeat.

Even though the blonde was out on his own now and free from his parents, he wasn't quite free from the religious trauma he had endured for his whole life. He had grown up having the same lessons drilled into his head over and over. Guilt was never an issue when he would jerk off in his room all those nights while his parents slept, so why was it now?

Was it because of Chan's involvement? It seemed much easier to sin alone rather than with the help of another individual. What made Felix feel even worse was that he enjoyed it, and wanted to see more of Chan. He felt bad because he liked it, he liked something a man had done to him.

Was it because he missed his parents? Was that why he felt so bad, because he knew they would be extremely disappointed in him if they found out? Even though Felix had decided to leave to pursue a new life, he still cared about his parents and worried deeply about their opinion on him.

"You're staring at me again." Chan snapped, rolling his eyes in annoyance. He got up from his seat, putting his bowl in the sink before walking off into his room. Felix couldn't help but feel his eyes sting at the harshness. Chan had been kinder these days, so it was safe to say Felix had forgotten about how mean the brunette could truly be. One singular tear fell from his eye and into his soggy cereal that he hadn't eaten yet.

His appetite quickly diminished, throwing out his cereal and going to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and hair, making his way to his new bedroom to get dressed in the clothes that Chan had bought him. He felt his mood get drastically better while pulling off the tags to his new clothes.

He happily slipped on an oversized black hoodie, along with black ripped jeans, and the boots Chan had bought for him. He walked back into the bathroom, smiling at his appearance for the first time in a while. He truly did feel more comfortable in black clothes. His toxic relationship with sweater vests and khakis was finally put to an end.

The blonde checked his fresh new phone, clock indicating that it was close to time for them to start heading out. He grabbed his bookbag and phone, sitting patiently on the couch while he waited for Chan.

The blonde was both nervous and excited to hear what people would have to say about his new look, especially Hyunjin. He knew his best friend would flip out at his new makeover. "Ready?" Chan asked, keys in hand while his phone rested in the other.

"Y-yes." Felix softly said, admiring the Chan a bit more than he would like to admit.

"Wait." Chan sternly said before turning back into his room to grab a thick chain necklace and some clip on earrings. "Put these on." He said, grabbing the glasses off of Felix's face and tucking them into his bag.

"H-how do I see without these?!" Felix pouted, only to get nothing but silence from the older boy. "I got these for you." Chan said, pulling out a weird case with two little compartments. "They're contacts. Put them in." The brunette instructed.

"B-but how did you even know my prescription." Felix questioned?

"I guessed." Chan shrugged. "Go put them in and then we will leave." Felix scurried away quickly in the bathroom to obey Chan's request, and after a few minutes of struggling, he finally managed to get them both in. Surprisingly enough Chan's guess was right, Felix could see as clear as day with these.

They both left the apartment, making their way to school in silence. The music filled the silence per usual, making the air between them less tense. As much as Felix wanted to talk to Chan about what happened, he decided that maybe it was best that they weren't talking about it. Maybe it was the smartest choice for both boys.

Once they got to school, Felix climbed out of the car, Chan following suit. The second he stepped outside Chan's car, all eyes were on him. Felix couldn't help the blush that formed on his cheeks while students stared at him up and down. The blonde nervously bit his lip, rushing over to Chan's side for comfort while they walked to their first period together quietly.

Many students were gossiping and giving the pair side glances, some were staring at the pair like wild animals who hadn't eaten in weeks. Felix felt odd receiving all this attention at once. It was like one of those cliché teen movies where the girl gets a makeover and suddenly everybody wants a piece of her.

Felix could only shyly smile at the people who passed by greeting him. He stared at his feet while they walked to class, which for some reason felt much further than usual. Felix was extremely excited to hear Hyunjin's thoughts, walking into class quickly when they finally got to the door.

The taller blonde was on his phone, playing some game per usual before the bell rang. Felix watched as Chan took his usual seat, while Felix stood at the edge of Hyunjin's desk.

"Hey." Felix called out, only to get ignored by the blonde completely.

"Ahem." The blonde said, fake clearing out his throat.

"Sorry, I don't have a pencil you can borrow, go ask somebody else." Hyunjin said, rolling his eyes.

"You asshat!" Felix whisper shouted, snatching the phone out of Hyunjin's grasp.

"What was that for you dick! F-Felix?!" Hyunjin screamed out loud, drawing attention to the two boys.

"Shut it!" He whisper shouted, taking his seat quickly. All eyes were on him, and finally it wasn't in a negative manner. He could get used to this attention.


this chapter sucked so much ass bro im so sorry ;-;

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