Chapter 9

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"He made you cry?!" Hyunjin shouted during first period, causing Felix to slap a hand over the tall blonde's mouth.

"It's not that serious." Felix whispered.

"Don't 'it's not that serious' me. Only I'm allowed to make you cry." Hyunjin huffed.

"It really isn't. I was being annoying and asking him a lot of questions. I can understand why he was annoyed." The blonde spoke, mouth filled with some candy Hyunjin had brought.

"Well what else happened?"

"Well he spent most of his time on his phone. I think he lives alone too." The smaller blonde spoke, taking out his notes for the class while glancing at the door every now and then. Even after yesterday's incident, he was still excited to see Chan.

"How the hell does a high schooler live alone?" Hyunjin questioned, also glancing at the door every now and then. He didn't want to miss his daily dose of Jeongin, he lived for those small 10 second interactions with the cutie.

"Beats me." Felix shrugged, falling quiet when Chan walked in, surprised that he came into class earlier that Jeongin. Normally Chan came in right before the bell rang. Felix spared a long gaze at Chan's direction, the brunette not bothering to look at Felix.

Felix let out a sigh before gathering up his history notes to hand to Chan. "I'll be right back." Hyunjin watched the small blonde get up from his desk, pushing up his glasses while fixing his sweater vest.

The blonde walked up to the figure wearing all black, eyes locked onto his phone per usual. Felix felt relieved to see Chan wasn't wearing earbuds like he normally was, making being able to talk to him easier.

"Hey!" Felix called out, slowly walking up to the brunette before falling dead silent. The brunette looked him up and down, something that oddly enough sent a shiver down Felix's spine. He brushed off the weird feeling, setting his notes down onto Chan's desk.

"H-here's the notes you needed. Please make use of them." Felix smiled.

"Thanks." The response was lackluster, void of any emotion, but it was definitely better than nothing. Felix stood there awkwardly for a few seconds. He wanted to ask Chan when they could have their next tutoring session but was nervous.

"You gonna keep standing there or what?" Chan snapped, making Felix jump at the tone.

"I-I was wondering if you wanted to have another tutoring session tomorrow?!" Felix blurted out, nervously biting at his lips. Chan didn't respond, making Felix grow anxious.

"I would have asked for it to be today, but I have to go to church tonight." The blonde overshared, something he had a bad habit of doing.

"Didn't ask." Chan blandly responded, eyes glued on his phone. Felix couldn't help the stinging sensation in his eyes, a pout decorating his face. Felix was a softie, crying over basically anything that hurt him emotionally.

"S-so tomorrow then?" Felix questioned once more, still eager regardless of Chan's rudeness.

"Sure, whatever. Just don't go crying this time." Felix only nodded, letting out a forced smile before scurrying back to his desk, hot tears falling from his eyes.

"He's so mean." Felix cried, wiping away the tears that fell down his face. Hyunjin looked back at Chan, a displeased look on his pretty features. "He's lucky I'm afraid of fights, because I'd beat his ass otherwise." Hyunjin scoffed.

"Why are the hot guys always assholes?" The tall blonde asked, too busy comforting Felix to notice Jeongin walking into class. The young boy locked eyes with Hyunjin, expecting him to say 'Hi' to him like he normally did. A frown plastered his face when Hyunjin failed to do so, taking a seat at his desk while watching the two.

"Know your worth, Lixxie. Dude is already making you cry and you haven't even known him for a week." Hyunjin spoke.

"I wanna be his friend though!" Felix defended, taking off his glasses and cleaning the tears off of them. He couldn't help but glance at Chan like he usually did, growing sadder when he realized that the boy didn't care, not even enough to look in his direction.

"Why do you want to be friends with an asshole?" Hyunjin questioned, rolling his eyes.

"Because he is really cool! Not to mention being his friend could be life changing!"

"Or life ruining." Hyujin butt in. "I don't understand why you're so hung up on this guy being your friend. I love you Lix, but he seems like bad news. Sure he is hot, but it's not worth it." The tall blonde reasoned, trying to protect his best friend from any mental strain.

"I mean you're even going as far as to hang out with him after school and even go to his house! Something you haven't even done with me, your best friend!" Hyunjin scoffed, growing offended the more he talked about it.

"Hyunnie... I'm sorry." Felix looked down, knowing Hyunjin had a point. "You know I love you and there's no excuse for it." The blonde softly spoke, eyes glancing at Chan who had finally popped his earbuds in. He was glad the boy sat all the way in the back, he didn't want him to overhear their conversation.

"That's not going to stop you from seeing him though is it?" Hyunjin asked, arms crossed while raising a brow. Felix couldn't help but giggle, Hyunjin looked like a mom worrying about her kid.

"Nope! Maybe I can make him better." Felix responded, letting out a small smile.

"Sure. You're so stubborn." Hyunjin sighed, dramatically laying his head down on his desk.

"If he hurts you I will get Minho to beat him up." Hyunjin joked.

"Minho doesn't even like you." Felix giggled.

"Minho doesn't like anybody." Hyunjin retorted.

"He likes Chan apparently. He even called him hot." Felix shrugged, Hyunjin cringing in disgust.

"Ew!! Minho and Chan?! Definitely not!" The tall blonde cringed, feeling grossed out by the mental image of the two in his mind.

"How come?" Felix asked, curious onto why they didn't seemingly pair well. Felix thought they could make a good couple, given they're both hella mean.

"They're both tops, especially Chan!" Hyunjin whisper shouted, Felix tilting his head in question, not knowing what the term meant. Right before Hyunjin was going to explain, Mrs. Gwan walked into class to start a lesson. The whole room fell quiet, Felix doing his usually staring while writing down his notes.

He couldn't help but wonder what Hyunjin meant. Chan's a top? What's a top?


Hope you guys liked this chapter!!! felix is going to lowkey giving "i can fix him" vibes

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