Chapter 31

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"I feel so bad Chan!" Felix cried out loudly. He had spent his last 15 minutes hiding from his parents while desperately awaiting Chan's arrival. His heart pounded heavily in his chest while he let his brewing panic attack finally flow free.

"They told me that I look like I worship Satan! M-me?! I could never!" Felix sobbed, clutching tightly onto his book bag while Chan sat and listened.

They had pulled into an empty parking lot, Chan too annoyed by Felix's crying to drive home. He would've, but he was half tempted to crash into a tree just to shut the blonde up.

"They threatened to send me to an all boys Christian school! I-I..." The blonde couldn't keep it in anymore, tears falling rapidly while he hugged himself tightly. He wrapped himself into the hoodie he had on, taking a deep inhale and relaxing a bit. The smell of Chan's cologne really did help calm his nerves.

Chan did nothing but sit there and watch the boy break down. He wasn't entirely sure how to help Felix, so he just listened even though he didn't want to. Roughly 20 minutes had passed with Felix's endless babbling, causing Chan to grow more annoyed when he wouldn't stop talking.

"I-I was gonna go back to them like they wanted, but then they told me about the Christian school..." Felix said, looking down at his lap while the tears slowly came to a halt.

For some reason Felix's heart started to pound while he tried formulating the next few words that would fall from his mouth. "T-that meant I wouldn't see you anymore. I can live with the rules and the lackluster life, but for some reason..." Felix slowly trailed off, glancing up at Chan for the first time in 30 minutes.

His heart skipped a beat when he saw the brunette looking back at him for the first time as well. Chan was staring at him intently, causing Felix to shiver from the intense gaze.

"I-it feels like I can't live without you." Felix forced out, nervously shifting in his seat.

"What do you mean?" Chan asked, speaking for the first time in what felt like forever. Felix nearly jumped from the tone of Chan's voice, it had felt like he almost forgot how the brunette sounded.

"I wish I knew! I don't! A-All I know is that my parents came into the school, called me a devil worshiper, s-slut shamed me, and threatened to send me away! I-I..." The blonde started to cry again, hating how pathetic he looked right now. Deep down he knew Chan probably didn't care, Chan never really cared about much.

The brunette was looking at him in a way that made him feel even smaller somehow. His cheeks felt warm while he nervously chewed at his lips.

"And then they told you they were sending you away?" Chan said, moving his body a bit closer to the blonde. Felix only nodded, not daring to move while the eye contact began to grow heavier.

"And that made you sad?" Chan asked once more, closing the distance a bit more this time. Felix did nothing but nod, body frozen in place. He wasn't sure what was happening, but he didn't know how to stop it.

"Because of me?" The brunette questioned once more, getting a bit closer after each question. Felix nodded for the third time, inhaling the sweet smell of Chan's cologne.

"And you don't know why you feel this way?" He questioned, Felix only shaking his head. It always felt weird to be questioned by the brunette, he hated questions more than anything.

Felix couldn't help but stare deeply into Chan's eyes, heart racing while his cheeks burned a bright red. The tears on his face had dried, a barely noticeable residue on his freckled cheeks.

The distance between them only grew smaller and smaller, reaching a dangerously close distance when Chan asked his final question. "Maybe you like me?" He said, a smirk forming onto his handsome features. He flashed his pearly white teeth before pressing his lips softly onto Felix's. Felix had no time to answer the question or react.

The blonde let out a small gasp. He couldn't say he was surprised, but at the same time he really was. Not even 2 months ago Chan was a stranger to him. How did they end up here?

The brunette cupped Felix's cheek, body leaning over the center console of the car to reach closer to the blonde. Felix's body naturally followed suit, making it easier for them to deepen the kiss even more.

For some reason this kiss did the complete opposite of what Felix would've Felix, striking a part of him that didn't care about anything but Chan.

It was his first kiss which was an extremely big deal, yet he wasn't even slightly pissed that it was Chan. He had no urge to push him away, and no urge to run away either. In fact, he wanted to kiss him more. Maybe it was because he had feelings for Chan. Felix didn't know anything about that though. He didn't understand romantic feelings.

He had never kissed anybody, but it was everything he imagined it to be. Chan's lips were soft and plush, making Felix melt almost immediately at the feeling.

The kiss was enough to make Felix forget about everything. All the drama from his parents and the kids at school had disappeared with just one simple kiss. The feeling of was such a bittersweet one.

Deep down he knew this was wrong, especially in the eyes of God and his parents, but that feeling only made him enjoy it more. The adrenaline that he got from kissing Chan made him feel intoxicated. He never wanted to stop kissing the brunette.

Their lips danced while Felix tried to keep up with Chan. Felix could tell Chan was very experienced in kissing, much more experienced than he was.

Felix couldn't help but let out small little noises that were kinda embarrassing to him. His whole body started to feel hot and he started to grow more aroused by the second.

Felix knew it was wrong, knew that this would make all the rumors about him true, and would make him a sinner in the eyes of his parents and God, yet he didn't care. None of it mattered. He just wanted more. 

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