Chapter 4

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The loud church organ sang while people gathered to take their seats in the pews. Felix was currently sitting down with his mom and dad, waiting patiently for the Sunday mass to start. It had been a few days since he first laid eyes on Chan, the strange boy being all his mind could seemingly focus on. 

Felix was quite happy to learn that he shared almost every class except for one with the new kid. They basically had the same schedule which made him happier than ever. Most of his days were spent on trying to juggle school while attempting to plan how he was going to befriend Chan. 

He had thought of many plans, yet none of them seemed effective. Felix was a nerd with little to no fashion sense. He was also extremely annoying when given a chance. The blonde couldn't help but doubt his abilities on making a friend as cool as Chan. 

He didn't know exactly why he was so obsessed with the new kid. He found him to be the most interesting thing he's ever seen. From his style to his dark mysterious manner, Felix was beyond intrigued. 

A friend like Chan could open a whole new world of possibilities for him. That was one of the main things that drew Felix in so much. Chan had freedom to express himself and he even had a phone. Two things Felix never got a taste of. He couldn't help but wonder what else Chan had. 

His thoughts were cut off by Jisung who had taken a seat next to him. "Hey!" He smiled, pudgy cheeks making him look oh so sweet and innocent. 

"Hi." Felix responded, trying his best to seem interested in even sparking up a conversation with the boy. 

"Did you read your verses today?" Jisung smiled. 

"Yes." Felix blandly responded, not wanting to speak to the kid any further. 

"I felt so moved by them today." Jisung giggled. 

"Me too." Felix lied, eyes locked onto a string on his sweater vest. He played with the string rather than giving Jisung his full attention. He didn't want to talk to him, not today when he had better things to do like plan his next few moves with Chan. 

Jisung only frowned, attention turning to the front of the church. He fell dead silent, making Felix feel a bit bad for the boy. 

Part of him felt guilty for Jisung, being his friend out of pity because nobody else would. Another part of him really couldn't stand Jisung. The boy was nothing but a push over who snitched on just about anybody, except for Minho of course. Jisung kept his mouth quiet when it came towards his bully, fearful of what would happen to him if he said a word to any adult figure. 

Felix wasn't a monster and it was obvious Jisung needed a friend. That's the only reason why he even talked to him in the first place. Jisung had nobody to talk to, so Felix tried his hardest to be nice to him whenever he could. 

Jisung was a sweet kid of course, but that couldn't make up for the fact that he was uptight and very ignorant towards many people. Felix remembered the first time he showed up to church a couple days after his birthday with freshly bleached and dyed blonde hair. He had begged his mom for years to let him get it done and she finally caved and took him to a salon for his 18th birthday. 

When Felix showed up, Jisung look displeased, facial features showing nothing but judgement. He spewed the same bullshit both his mom and dad spewed when the idea was brought to light, "If God wanted you to be born with blonde hair, you'd be blonde." 

Felix hated when people would say such stupid things to him. It wasn't like he was committing crimes and hurting people. He just wanted a simple change to his look, nothing more nothing less. How could dyeing your hair be such a crime? People like Jisung were the same people Felix wanted to avoid. 

 Felix had little to no room to express his fashionable desires. He couldn't express himself through clothes or jewelry, definitely not through pierced body parts and colored hair. That explains why he's been so intrigued with Chan ever since he laid eyes on him. Chan had everything he had been wanting for years. 

Felix hated the whole sweater vest and baggy khaki look more than anybody else. He wanted to wear jeans and hoodies like a normal kid. He was stuck with the same attire he had been raised in. His style hasn't changed not once within the last 18 years of his existence. 

Felix was basically a prisoner to his parents because he wasn't done with high school just yet and he had no where to go. His parents were already forcing the idea of college down his throat, yelling at him and telling him to get his ass in gear. 

If it were up to Felix, he would take time off of his studies once he graduates to enjoy life a little before being sucked back into a life of nothing but work. Felix lived to please his parents. Something he hated but was used to. 

The mass had started and the priest began reading verses from the bible, the same verses he read over and over whenever he had spare time. The same verses he was forced to memorize like notes on a test or quiz.

Felix normally paid attention, but his mind was focused on other things. Chan had clouded every corner of his mind in the matter of a couple days. He wanted to be friends with him so badly, though that posed many issues. 

How would he even manage to become friends with somebody so out of his league? If they became friends, how would he hide it from Jisung and his parents? How would they even hang out? 

These questions never stopped ringing through his mind during the whole mass. 

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