Chapter 8

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The brunette turned on his Bluetooth speaker, putting it on the lowest volume before playing some random music. Felix took note of this, falling quiet while he watched the boy. Felix pulled all his belongings out quickly.

The blonde took a seat at the table, watching the brunette follow suit. He couldn't help but feel awkward. Chan still hasn't spoken and it was starting to make Felix uncomfortable.

"S-so what is it you need help with?" Felix questioned, tapping away the pencil in his right hand.

"Don't know." Chan shrugged, pulling out his phone rather than paying attention.

"W-well given Mrs. Gwan's class is history, it's pretty easy." Felix softly spoke, growing more irritated with Chan's rude demeanor. Yeah he was cool, but he was also a dick. Chan didn't respond, eyes locking onto his phone screen.

"All you have to do is take notes and study them for the tests and quizzes." He spoke once more. Chan only glanced at him before looking back at his phone.

"I don't mean to be rude, but I am risking a lot to help you. Could you please pay attention to me?" Felix scowled. The brunette rolled his eyes, setting down his phone on the table. "So I don't know how else to help you given it's pretty simple. You can take my notes and copy them or study them for the next quiz." Felix offered, Chan only nodding his head.

"I can even quiz you on the information if you'd like."

"Whatever works." Chan said in a bored tone. He could tell the brunette didn't want to do anything. Felix couldn't help the growing curiosity as to why he even said yes to the tutoring in the first place.

The blonde checked the clock, he had an hour and a half to spare before having to go home.

"I am going to need a ride home if that is okay?" Felix asked, scribbling nonsense on his notebook.

"That's fine." Chan's voice rang. The air in the room was thick and extremely awkward. Felix felt suffocated, growing more tense by the second. Chan's lack of words only made the situation worse.

"It's important I am home before four." Felix added, making Chan nod. The brunette pulled his phone out once more, texting away while the music that played filled the thick air. "W-what's it like having a phone?" Felix asked, curious as to why Chan was so interested in the device.

"What do you mean?" Chan asked, raising a brow at the question.

"I've never had a phone before and they look fun. Are they?" He was prepared to get laughed at for admitting such a things, but Chan's laughter never came.

"Sometimes." Chan blandly responded.

"Sometimes? How so?" Felix questioned once more. He had so many things he wanted to ask Chan and now was finally his chance. The brunette look irritated, letting out a sigh before setting his phone back down on the table.

"They cause a lot of drama and problems. I suggest you don't invest in getting one if that's why you're asking." Chan's response made Felix tilt his head to the side in curiosity.

"Drama sounds fun. I've never experienced it before..."

"It's not." Chan forced out, chunky boots tapping away at the ground. Felix was irritating him with all the questions.

"Oh... Well I would love to own a phone anyway. My parents would never let me own such things." Felix looked away, embarrassed at how lame he probably sounded. He couldn't help but vent and talk about it though. Even if he sounded pathetic, Chan might take pity on him and show him all the things he's been missing out on.

"How old are you?" Chan asked, catching Felix off guard.

"I-I'm 18!"

"Why would your parents prevent somebody your age from owning a phone?" Chan questioned, curiosity growing as well.

"They think it'll 'corrupt' me." Felix said, making air quotes with his fingers. It felt relieving to finally have a conversation with the interesting boy, even it he could tell Chan didn't like the conversation.

"That's fucked." Was Chan's response, picking up his phone while typing away on it. Felix felt a sense of panic settle it when things got quiet once more. He didn't want the conversation to end. He still had so much more to ask and say.

"W-what kind of music is this?" Felix asked, making Chan groan in annoyance. He set his phone back down, locking eyes with the small blonde's.

"It's hard rock." The brunette said, forcing out a response.

"What the song name?" The blonde asked.

"Hearts/Wires." Chan deadpanned.

"What's the band na-"

"Look is that all you're going to do? If I wanted to be bombarded with questions, I'd just go visit my mom and dad." Chan spat, irritation laced heavy in his voice. Felix felt his bottom lip quiver, tears brewing in his eyes. He wasn't used to getting yelled at, not even by his parents surprisingly.

That's one of the perks of living a life to please others, when they're satisfied with what you give them, they won't yell at you.

"Great and now you're crying." Chan scoffed, getting up from his chair and grabbing his keys. "Get up, I'm taking you home. Let's go." Felix quickly wiped up his tears, nodding and packing up all his belongings.

They awkwardly walked to the car, Felix's faint sniffles being the only noise in the air. They drove off right after Felix typed his address into Chan's phone, the brunette blasting the music to purposefully drown Felix's crying out.

Felix couldn't help but remember Chan's words, "If I wanted to be bombarded with questions, I'd just go visit my mom and dad."

Did he not live with his parents? He lived all alone? What was their relationship? How could their parents be okay with such things?

Chan pulled into Felix's driveway, not bothering to spare the blonde a look before shooing him out of his car.

"I-I'll hand you my notes tomorrow in first period." Felix spoke while climbing out of the car. He let out a sigh when Chan remained silent, backing out of the driveway and speeding off. Chan was a dick to him, yet that wouldn't stop Felix from trying to become friends with him anyway.

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